GUIDANCE TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES By: Courtney Stevens Guiding Child Behavior
ENVIRONMENT Through the intentional use the environment, the teacher indirectly influences the behavior in the classroom.
Body expressions and attitude Being aware of body height and position, and getting down on their level. This way you are establishing a sense of well-being and trust with the children. The way a teacher uses their body either invited or rejects close relationship and familiarity. Attitudes come from experience, and are part of the unspoken language of guidance. We should examine the way we were disciplined and acknowledge our experiences and feelings about it, particularly assumptions you may have on how children behave depending on their race, gender, or culture.
ACTIVE LISTENING Listening carefully, trying to understand what the child is saying beyond the words being used. Responding to a child’s feelings as well as their words.
IGNORING To use this technique successfully, the adult chooses to respond to the child in anyway and even may become occupied elsewhere, while the behavior persists.
REDIRECTION AND DISTRACTION Making an accurate assessment of the what the child really wants to do. Also considering alternatives that permit the desired activity while changing the expression or form it takes. ie; Pushing Wall
REINFORCEMENT The process in which a behavior is followed by a consequence that is likely to make the behavior repeated.
Active PROBLEM SOLVING Engaging children in confronting their differences and working together to solve their problems.
OFFER CHOICES Choices help children practice self-reliance, self-direction, and self-discipline. You must give a choice only when you mean for children to make the choice and be prepared for to accept the answer. Suggest two choices when there is the possibility of resistance.
Natural consequences Natural consequences enhance children’s ability to take responsibility for themselves. This approach lets the child experience the natural consequences of their actions.
LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES A function of what adults impose. Making a commitment to follow through; consequences, once stated, must be enforced. Giving the children an opportunity to choose their own course of action once they have some understanding of what is likely to happen.
“I” Messages Honest, non judgmental statements that place no blame on the child but that state an observation of the behavior and it’s results.
RESOURCES Beginnings and Beyond, Ann Miles Gordon, Copyright January 1, 2013