Junior Year to Senior Year Preparing/planning for college? Student needs to stay on track with classes and grades – should meet with the counselor to get one on one review/guidance on future planning and how to improve. Have student make a college list – consider size, location, cost, and majors/programs. Discuss these considerations together. Research college admissions criteria/requirements. NCAA eligibility? Plan challenging senior year class schedule accordingly. Extracurricular involvement inventory
Junior Year to Senior Year Review PSAT/NMSQT results together – log into the student score reporting portal for Collegeboard.org. Score report shows what they should work on to get ready for college, AP course recommendations, + Khan Academy free practice SAT. Student to prepare for standardized tests. Learn more about financial aid, start a scholarship search, consider recommendation writers and keep in contact with them. Summer: Visit colleges, get advice from other college students, start working on application essays Familiarize yourself with Counseling web page http://mtpleasantschools.net/mphs Utilize/take advantage of careercruising.com!
Junior Year to Senior Year Not planning college? Not sure? Meet with your guidance counselor. Student still needs to stay on track with classes/grades for graduation in order to have more options available to pursue in the future. Visit with the Career Counselor, Mrs. Greening, at GI-TEC – job shadowing, career technical course options leading to certification, co-op opportunities, etc. Military representatives often available at school to discuss enlistment options.