Nutritional and Dietary Plans for Soccer Tournament Play Dr. David Carr Coordinator Coaching Education Ohio University USYSA National Coaching Education Staff
The Issue Youth soccer tournaments have become a staple for a significant number of players at various age groups. Youth soccer tournaments have become a staple for a significant number of players at various age groups. Tournament play for U-10 and up is common Tournament play for U-10 and up is common There are still a large number of tournaments for those players at U-9 and under but that is a discussion for another time There are still a large number of tournaments for those players at U-9 and under but that is a discussion for another time Teams are likely to commit to playing in a minimum of 2-3 tournaments per season Teams are likely to commit to playing in a minimum of 2-3 tournaments per season
The Issue cont. Tournaments can cover 2-5 days and potentially could have anywhere from 3-6 games Tournaments can cover 2-5 days and potentially could have anywhere from 3-6 games Games could be scheduled anywhere between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm Games could be scheduled anywhere between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm There is a strong possibility of playing more that one game per day and potentially three games in a little more than a 24 hour period There is a strong possibility of playing more that one game per day and potentially three games in a little more than a 24 hour period Players, coaches and parents spend most of their time at the field(s) or going to and from them. Players, coaches and parents spend most of their time at the field(s) or going to and from them.
The Questions As a coach, how do I make sure my players have had appropriate nutritional intake to give them the best opportunity to give maximum effort in every tournament game? As a coach, how do I make sure my players have had appropriate nutritional intake to give them the best opportunity to give maximum effort in every tournament game? When, what, and how much should players be eating? When, what, and how much should players be eating? How can parents help? How can parents help?
The Answers The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Dietary Association (ADA) recommend the following: The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Dietary Association (ADA) recommend the following: Eat 3-4 hours prior to physical activity Eat 3-4 hours prior to physical activity Eat a meal high in carbohydrates (CHO) – (i.e grams of CHO in a calorie meal) Eat a meal high in carbohydrates (CHO) – (i.e grams of CHO in a calorie meal) Eat a moderate amount of protein (PRO) Eat a moderate amount of protein (PRO) Eat foods that are low fat and with minimum fiber Eat foods that are low fat and with minimum fiber
Sample Breakfast Food typeGrams CHO Food typeGrams CHO 1 ½ Cups Ready to Eat Cereal30 1 ½ Cups Ready to Eat Cereal30 ½ Cup Milk (skim, 2%, whole) 6 ½ Cup Milk (skim, 2%, whole) 6 ½ Cup Orange Juice15 ½ Cup Orange Juice15 1 small banana15 1 small banana15 1 slice whole grain bread or ½ bagel15 1 slice whole grain bread or ½ bagel15 2 teaspoons jam/jelly 8 2 teaspoons jam/jelly 8 8 oz. Gatorade14 8 oz. Gatorade14 Total 103 Total 103
Answers cont. What happens when my players have an 8:00 am game and need to be at the field by at least 7:30? What happens when my players have an 8:00 am game and need to be at the field by at least 7:30? Do I get them up at 4:00 am so they can eat? Do I get them up at 4:00 am so they can eat? What should they eat? What should they eat? How much should they eat? How much should they eat? How much should they drink? How much should they drink? CHO and Fluids = Most effective ergogenic aids CHO and Fluids = Most effective ergogenic aids
Answers cont. Answers cont. Alternative Pre-exercise guidelines Alternative Pre-exercise guidelines.5 gram CHO/lb. body weight - 1 hour before comp..5 gram CHO/lb. body weight - 1 hour before comp. 1 gram CHO/lb. body weight – 2 hours before comp. 1.5 grams CHO/lb. body weight – 3 hours before comp. 2 grams CHO/lb. body weight – 4 hours before comp. Example: 125 lbs x.5 CHO/lb. = 62 grams CHO
Sample Alternative Menu Alternative menu Alternative menu 1 small banana15 CHO 1 small banana15 CHO ½ bagel or eng. Muffin15 CHO ½ bagel or eng. Muffin15 CHO ½ cup O.J.15 CHO ½ cup O.J.15 CHO 1 teaspoon jam/jelly 4 CHO 1 teaspoon jam/jelly 4 CHO 8 oz. Gatorade14 CHO 8 oz. Gatorade14 CHO Total63 CHO Total63 CHO 1hour before comp. 1hour before comp.
Training Diet 6-10 grams CHO/kg body weight 6-10 grams CHO/kg body weight 2.5 – 4.5 grams CHO/lb body weight (ACSM/ADA recommendations) 2.5 – 4.5 grams CHO/lb body weight (ACSM/ADA recommendations) Cereals, fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, pasta and legumes have high amounts of CHO Cereals, fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, pasta and legumes have high amounts of CHO Example: 125 lbs. (57 kg) x 3 grams CHO/lb x Example: 125 lbs. (57 kg) x 3 grams CHO/lb x 4 cal/gram = 1500 calories from CHO per day (60%) 300 calories PRO per day (12%) 300 calories PRO per day (12%) 700 discretionary calories - fats (28%) 700 discretionary calories - fats (28%)
Training Diet cont. Protein (based on 300 calories per day) Protein (based on 300 calories per day) Age RangeGrams PRO/kg body wt Age RangeGrams PRO/kg body wt >19.80 >19 endurance training1.2 – 1.4 Teen endurance training – add 10% 1.3 – 1.5 Example: 57kg x 1.3 = 74 grams PRO x 4 cal/gm = 296 calories PRO/day
During the Event Maximum muscle uptake of CHO = 60 grams/hr. Maximum muscle uptake of CHO = 60 grams/hr. 8 fluid oz. (5-7% CHO sport drink every15 minutes as possible during play breaks – have water/Gatorade bottles readily available on bench/sideline 8 fluid oz. (5-7% CHO sport drink every15 minutes as possible during play breaks – have water/Gatorade bottles readily available on bench/sideline Hydrate fluid oz. of a sports drink within 2 hours of competition start Hydrate fluid oz. of a sports drink within 2 hours of competition start Consider 16 oz. at halftime if drinking during play is not easily done Consider 16 oz. at halftime if drinking during play is not easily done The greatest amount of glycogen depletion occurs in the first half of a match (Reilly and Thomas, 1976) The greatest amount of glycogen depletion occurs in the first half of a match (Reilly and Thomas, 1976)
Glycogen Depletion
After the Event What is post game weight compared to pre-game weight? Do you have a way to measure this? What is post game weight compared to pre-game weight? Do you have a way to measure this? Drink 24 fluid oz. to replace each lb. weight lost during play Drink 24 fluid oz. to replace each lb. weight lost during play A sport beverage is the best choice A sport beverage is the best choice As soon as possible after the match, begin consuming CHO-rich foods to rapidly begin replacing glycogen stores – look to consume 8-10 grams/kg body weight in the 24 hours following strenuous play As soon as possible after the match, begin consuming CHO-rich foods to rapidly begin replacing glycogen stores – look to consume 8-10 grams/kg body weight in the 24 hours following strenuous play
Carbohydrate Need After Exercise.75 grams CHO/lb. body weight within 30 minutes.75 grams CHO/lb. body weight within 30 minutes Additional.75 grams CHO/lb. body weight within 2 hours Additional.75 grams CHO/lb. body weight within 2 hours Example:160 lb. athlete x.75 grams CHO = 120 grams CHO Example:160 lb. athlete x.75 grams CHO = 120 grams CHO 2 oranges (60 grams CHO) and 32 oz. sports drink (55 grams CHO) = 115 grams within 30 minutes 2 oranges (60 grams CHO) and 32 oz. sports drink (55 grams CHO) = 115 grams within 30 minutes