National Cancer Center


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Presentation transcript:

National Cancer Center NCC

National Cancer Center (NCC) The National Cancer Center is the official reference center for cancer prevention, control and treatment services for cancer all over the country. Supervising the national cancer prevention and control plan of implementation, and coordinating the efforts between health sectors concerned with cancer prevention ,control and treatment to avoid work duplication and to reduce desperation of efforts. This will form the actual start of the national cancer control and treatment program based on short, mid and long term strategic plans.

National Cancer Center (NCC) Vision Protecting society from cancer is a shared responsibility among all groups of society Mission Promoting health awareness among the Society about cancer, its risk factors and supporting early detection programs and integrated healthcare services at the three levels utilizing evidence-based approaches to optimally use available resources to reduce morbidity and mortality rates, through the participation of all government and private institutions applying the concept of partnership for healthy community.

National Cancer Center (NCC) Objectives Forming policies and setting strategic working plans to prevent cancer. Promoting primary and secondary cancer prevention. Health professionals training and development on cancer prevention and healthcare provision for cancer patients. Conduct and support cancer research studies. Upgrade and develop cancer healthcare services provided at the three levels, and exchange experience between different public medical sectors Develop and implement Cancer monitoring, follow up and evaluation system specifically for cancer prevention programs and cancer patients care. Engage cancer patients and their families in healthcare services plan and healthcare services assessments. Strengthen and support community participants to prevent cancer.

National Cancer center (NCC) Tasks Suggests plans and policies for the (NCC)’s center activities and programs. Supervise (NCC)’s activities, and guarantees cancer prevention plans implementation. Identifies cancer researches and suggest ways to support its implementation. Prepare guidelines for cancer care and prevention and help in training of concerned health staff on it. Identify the need for community awareness programs and early detection programs.

Operating Plan 2017-2020 Objective One: Primary and Secondary Cancer Prevention Aim: To reduce percentage of risk factors that lead to cancer in the community. Conduct health policy studies and researches. Conduct a study to evaluate the impact of the implemented of awareness programs on a random sample of the population from the second study. Percentage of response and positive change after applying health awareness program Studying random sample of society to assess people knowledge about cancer risk factors . Percentage of people in the society who are aware of cancer risk factors economic feasibility study of early colorectal cancer detection programs 1- number of study participants who tested positive during the study 2-percentage of social response toward early detection programs 3- define logistics and work force needed to operate early detection programs in the society Patient and family satisfaction study, and studying patient and family participation in the health treatment plan and its affect of accepting treatment and improving patient life quality 1- percentage of patient and family satisfaction about provided health services 2- patient and family participation in treatment plan Strategy Initiative Indicators (KPI’s)

Operating Plan 2017-2020 Objective Two: Improve cancer healthcare services provision on its three levels Aim: Early cancer detection and other leading risk factors and reduce cancer mortality rates Create evidence-based guidelines that meet international standards to screen for, diagnose and control cancer and to ensure patients safety Develop and activate National Palliative Care Guidelines for cancer patients Develop and activate 11 national guidelines to diagnose and treat most common cancers in the country. Develop and activate 3 National Guidelines for Breast, Colorectal and Cervical Cancer. Laydown tools for evaluation and re-evaluation of cancer treatment centers in health sectors. Existence of national Palliative Care Guidelines Percentage of palliative care unties applying these guidelines. Number of developed guidelines and percentage of its application in health facilities. Number of developed guidelines and percentage of its application in health facilities. Number of evaluated cancer centers.

Operating Plan 2017-2020 Objective Three: Support cancer registry in monitoring, surveillance and evaluation of cancer control programs. Aim: Create advanced Cancer Registry for tracking, monitoring and evaluating cancer cases and its risk factors, based on quality standards, to define cancer burden at the national level. Support and improve the cancer registry Strategy Geographical analysis for cancer health data, and creating Cancer Atlas Generate software to register cancer cases, to electronically report them and introduce it for usage to all health facilities. Create national training program for cancer registrars training electronic monitoring for cancer morbidity and mortality Initiative Statistical analysis for space-time cancer data for the most common cancers. Produce maps for cancer cases distribution geographically according to regions, governorates and cities Release a locally developed cancer registry software, and link it to all cancer registrars in all health facilities. Design and implement a national training program for cancer registrars. Issue cancer morbidity and mortality reports Indicators (KPI’s)

Operating plan 2017-2020 Objective Four: promoting of community partnership in cancer prevention. Aim: governmental, private sectors, and non governmental organization (NGO’s) participation in the national responsibility to prevent cancer Encouraging civil services organization to participate in the implementation of national goals for cancer control Strategy initiate specialized palliative care units/ centers investment in training and qualifying cancer health professionals programs Participating in raising awareness about cancer risk factors Initiative Number of palliative care units Numbers of patients benefiting from these centers Numbers of training programs number of trained professionals Program quality Number of health awareness programs Number of cancer health info graphics. Number of cancer health awareness videos. Number of charities cooperating with NCC Indicators (KPI’s)