Horatian satire Light, needling satire. Think of the image of the rapier. Jabs at its target. From the Roman poet, Horace.
It is able to criticize with humor. Horatian Satire Horatian humor ridicules universal human follies. Horatian satire is witty, amusing, tolerant and, less harsh and abrasive. It is able to criticize with humor.
Juvenalian satire Harsh, cutting satire. Remember the image of a hatchet. It hacks at its target.
Techniques Exaggeration: hyperbole. Blow up something small to ridiculous proportions. Reductio ad absurdum: extending something to ridiculous extremes. The art of shrinking something to a ridiculous proportions.
Techniques Parody: imitates one particular piece of art or other medium mostly for entertainment. Lighthearted. Caricature: imitates a person’s features or characteristics
Devices Pun: intentional play upon or misuse of words Malapropism: unintentional misuse of words Irony: contrast against the usual, expected
Seven Deadly Sins Pride Avarice Lust Sloth Gluttony Envy Wrath
Seven Deadly Sins Began in Medieval times. Almost all satire is pointed in some way toward one of them or some “offshoot” of one, such as hypocrisy, which is an offshoot of pride.
Continued Most modern advertising uses every one of these sins as an appeal. We recognize these tools that are used to persuade. Satire is a tool of recognition.