Addressing Obesity and Exercise in Primary Care GSP 4 th Year Elective 2010
Definitions of Overweight and Obesity BMI = weight in kg/height in meters 2 (weight in lb/height in inches 2 )*703 Overweight- BMI Obesity- BMI > 30 Extreme obesity- BMI > 40
Waist Circumference Increases risk when increased with BMI –Men >102 cm (40 in) –Women > 88 cm (35 in)
Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity 1990 –Overweight- 55.9% –Obesity- 22.9% 2000 –Overweight-64.5% –Obesity- 30.5%
Associated Risk Factors DiabetesHypertension High cholesterol AsthmaArthritis Obstructive sleep apnea Poor health status
Health Burden Second leading cause of premature mortality after smoking ,000 deaths per year
Benefits of weight loss Little evidence that interventions reduce morbidity or mortality Weight loss does improve glucose control, lipid levels and blood pressure
Goals of weight loss and management Prevent further weight gain Reduce body weight Maintain lower body weight long-term
Weight loss guidelines Reasonable goal- 10% decrease in weight over 6 months Requires a decrease of calories per day up to BMI of 35 Requires a decrease of calories per day for BMI > 35 Weight loss will usually plateau after 6 months Maintenance is difficult
Sedentary Lifestyle Independent risk factor for cardiovascular and all cause mortality Hypertension, insulin resistance, elevated glucose and dyslipidemia all improve with exercise
Physical Activity 30 minutes on most days recommended For most individuals, will not produce significant weight loss alone Walking briskly for minutes will consume calories Target heart rate: (220-age)*0.6 to 0.9
USPSTF Recommends clinicians screen all adult patients for obesity and offer intensive counseling and behavioral interventions to promote weight loss for obese adults Found insufficient evidence to determine whether counseling patients to promote physical activity leads to increased physical activity in adults
Medications May consider if diet and exercise not successful Should have BMI> 30 or >27 with risk factors Consider stopping if < 2 kg weight loss after 4 weeks Long-term effectiveness uncertain and many patients discontinue
Sibutramine Blocks reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin Side effects include increased blood pressure, heart rate, headache, insomnia, dry mouth Should not be used for patients with uncontrolled hypertension or significant cardiovascular disease Dose mg/day Effectiveness- average weight loss 5%
Orlistat Lipase inhibitor Side effects include loose and more frequent stools Dose- 120 mg tid Effectiveness- average weight loss 5% Combined therapy no more effective, weight loss limited to 10%
Weight loss surgery Very successful in some patients Gastric bypass used at UVA Indications- unsuccessful medical weight loss with BMI > 40 or BMI > 35 with complications
Five As Ask- BMI as a vital sign Advise- provide brief feedback Assess- motivation and stage of change Assist- help patients who wish to lose weight develop a plan Arrange follow-up
Dietary counseling for other conditions Elevated cholesterol Cardiovascular disease HypertensionDiabetes
Mediterranean Diet Only diet shown to decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality RR vs regular or heart-healthy diet (30% fat, 10% saturated fat, 300 g cholesterol/d) g fruit, g vegetables, g nuts/day g whole grains, legumes, rice/d +/- fish several times a week 3-4 servings of monounsaturated fat/d