WALT: revise adverbs and adverbial phrases. Thursday 20th April 2017 WALT: revise adverbs and adverbial phrases.
Adverb vs Adverbial An adverb is a single word that adds detail to a verb. The girl ate quickly. An adverbial is a group of words that add detail to a verb. The girl ate with haste.
T.R.a.M.P Time Reason Manner Place The boy ran. (How often/when?) (Why?) (How?) (Where?) The boy ran. Every night, the boy ran. Every night, the boy ran, as he wanted to get fit. Every night, the boy ran with vigour, as he wanted to get fit. Every night, the boy ran with vigour to the park and back, as he wanted to get fit.
T.R.a.M.P Time Reason Manner Place She slammed the door. (How often/when?) (Why?) (How?) (Where?) She slammed the door.
T.R.a.M.P Time Reason Manner Place I awoke. (How often/when?) (Why?) (Where?) I awoke.