Clover Garden Your School of Choice
“Life is about using the whole box of Crayons”
What is “Team Teaching” Using teachers’ skills to enrich and enhance learning in each subject area. Students will be exposed to five teaching styles through the year
Benefits of Having More Than One Teacher Gives teachers a chance to collaborate with others as a team Use teachers enthusiasm to teach a favorite subject Breaks up the day for students by allowing them to move about in a positive way Provides students a way to be challenged and encouraged by different environments and teachers Cost effective way to enhance instruction Proven to increase testing scores A way utilize available resources
How the Day Looks 8-815: Homeroom- silent reading and reading logs 815-905: First Class Change 910-1000: Second Class Change 1005-1055: Third Class Change 1100-1215: Lunch & Recess 1215-105: Fourth Class Change 110-200: Fifth Class Change (homeroom) 200-300: Snack, pack up, specials, missing work
Student Work Homework: Late or Missing Work: Found in the homework folder Math is assigned nightly Reading will be assigned weekly after the August break Science/Social Studies will be assigned based on content and current events Late or Missing Work: No work will be accepted after 3 days Accepted late work will not be given full credit
Student Work Classwork: Organization/ independence Stays in the colored folders Do not work on at home Do not remove from folders Organization/ independence Reminding students to put papers where they belong each day Having 5 sharpened pencils in their trapper keeper at all times
Classroom Behavior Reports This year we will be focusing on building important life skills such as working hard and participating. We’ll be using REMIND to give students feedback on these skills :)
Communicating With Teachers Check REMIND daily for any updates E-mail concerns in certain subjects to that teacher Reminders can also be found on the website Weekly email updates will be sent out from the 3/4 email address Monthly newsletters will be sent home
Q & A Please make sure your questions are general and not child specific We will set up a time for face to face conferences at a later date How can we help you help your child make this a more successful year? TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK