10-11-17 Gonzalez/King/Llamas Myths and Legends 10-11-17 Gonzalez/King/Llamas
Listen to the Podcast called Lore Fill out the three columns on the handout.
What are we doing today CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.7.2 Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well- structured event sequences.
What are we doing today? CONTENT OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to determine the purpose and social roles that certain myths have in specific cultures. LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to analyze various medias and determine the central theme of common folklore in cultural context through scaffolded notes, vocabulary development, and narrative creation.
Genre- Fantasy--notes Works that are set in an imaginary universe that concern themselves with magic, magical creatures and the supernatural. This often does not include horror or scientific themes. Often set within a medieval setting, but with magical races and powers that are impossible in reality.
Question Time! 1/4 In fantasy, which of the following elements are present? 1) Scientific Elements, Wizards and Magic, Space 2) Magic, Magical Creatures, Medieval Elements 3) Horror elements, ghosts, dragons 4) Realistic scenarios with some elements of imaginary science
What is Folktale? Folktale is a story that is passed from one generation to another by word of mouth There is no known author Many cultures have similar folktales
What is Folktale? In Japan, Momotaro, or Peach-boy, was a boy that was born out of a peach. He told his adoptive parents that he was sent from heaven to defeat the army of demons called Oni. When he is old enough, he forms a team of animals including a talking dog, and goes after the demons. He wins and brings back the treasure to his family.
Question Time! 2/4 How is a folk tale or folklore passed down? 1) Messages scribbled on scrolls 2) Cave paintings, that got translated into books 3) Word of mouth, passed from one generation to the next 4) Books that are meticulously copied by monks Question Time! 2/4
What is Myth? Explain something about the world and typically involve gods or superhumans Many cultures have origin myths Explain how something came to be
What is Myth? In Africa, Bushmen believed that the all of the animals came from one mythical creature. The supreme god Kaang created the world but sent death and destruction after experiencing too much disobedience. His wife gave birth to an antelope, whom she cared for very much. Her sons mistakenly killed the antelope and in mourning, Kaang demanded the antelope’s blood be boiled and it spread out across Africa. The animals of the continent came from the remains of Kaang’s child.
Question Time! 3/4 In myths, which of the following is the purpose? 1) Myths are to pass the time 2) Myths catalog history in ways that are easy to remember 3) Myths explain how something came to be 4) Myths are to make into movies
What is a Fairytale Story featuring mythical characters Sub-class of the ‘folktale’ Often have princesses and princes Usually end happily
What is a fairytale? The fairy tale of Rapunzel, from the Grimm Brother’s collection tells of a princess trapped by a witch in a tower with no doors and a single window at the highest point. A prince sees her, and how the witch climbs Rapunzel’s long magic hair. The prince uses her hair to climb up and rescue Rapunzel from the witch’s imprisonment.
4/4 What is the purpose of it all? What do folklore/mythical creature stories do? Discuss with your partner the possible purpose of these imaginative stories. Write down 2 ideas at the bottom of your notes.
Write about your Folklore! In Section 2 of your notebook In my culture, we talked about ___________. The story is __________________________________________________________________. I believe that the purpose of this folklore is _____________________________________________________________________________.
What is your folklore? In my culture, we talked about La Llorona, or the weeping woman. The story is about a woman who was left by her husband and went crazy. When she went crazy, she murdered her children by drowning them. After realizing what she had done, she killed herself too. Before she can make it to the afterlife, she needs to find her children, and take them with her. So any children by water alone are in danger of being taken. I believe that the purpose of this folklore is to keep children away from being near water alone. It is trying to keep children from certain bad behaviors.
Write about your Folklore! In my culture, we talked about ___________. The story is __________________________________________________________________. I believe that the purpose of this folklore is _____________________________________________________________________________.