Preparations for Reconstruction of Run7 Min Bias PRDFs at Vanderbilt’s ACCRE Farm (more substantial update set for next week) Charles Maguire et al. March 14, 2007 Analysis Meeting
Proposed Effort and Preparations ACCRE farm will reconstruct ~10% Run7 Min Bias filtered PRDFs Reconstruction (PRDFs to nanoDSTs) will be done in near real time Have confirmed that 50-75 CPUs and 50-75 TBytes are available The nanoDSTs will be transported back to RCF in real time (where?) Preparations so far Copied Run4 Au+Au PRDFs to Vanderbilt (same run as for CCF) Reconstructed with pro.74 library using Fun4Everyone_new.C macro Re-using machinery from Run6 Level2 reconstruction project GridFTP server on ACCRE File handling scripts written by David Silvermyr and myself Database updating software written by Hugo Valle (still being modified) Began new network transfer tests BNL <--> ACCRE (results next slide) March 14, 2007 Analysis Meeting
GridFTP Network Transfer Tests ACCRE to rftpexp01/rftpexp02 (February 14) Source on a local ACCRE node writing to /data/phenix areas Two GridFTP jobs running simultaneously, same 8 GByte file Saw 43.4 MBytes/second (21.91 + 21.53 Mbytes/second) New issues (2007) ACCRE engineers have security concerns about GridFTP Want to meet with BNL people to address those concerns What protections are other sites taking who use GridFTP Limited number of boxes at BNL which will be used? March 14, 2007 Analysis Meeting
To Do List (as of March 14) Resume network testing and development from bufferboxes Martin (or me with my own 1008 account ) is to do these tests Will use the Run 6 automated transfer mechanism Test the production macros and reco libraries for Run7 Min Bias Cooperation between Carla, Raphael, and VU Analysis of nanoDSTs for quality control (what should we look at?) Establish the files return and archiving mechanism (next week) Disk area at RCF (should it be a dCache?), and how much Possible tape archiving system at ACCRE (save both input and output) People on task at VU Ivan Danchev (research associate) Hugo Valle (third year graduate student) Ron Belmont (second year graduate student) Dillon Roach (second year graduate student) ACCRE engineers monitoring 24/7 March 14, 2007 Analysis Meeting
Backup: What is ACCRE at Vanderbilt? Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education Collaborative $8.5M computing resource funded by Vanderbilt Presently consists of over 1500 processors and 100 TB of disk (VU group has its own dedicated 4.5 TB for PHENIX simulations) Much work by Medical Center and Engineering school researchers as well as by Physics Department groups ACCRE eager to continue with physics experiment reconstruction first PHENIX and then CMS (new encouragement from DOE) Previous PHENIX Use of ACCRE First used extensively for supporting QM’02 simulations Order of magnitude increased work during QM’05 simulations Run6 Level2 PRDFs reconstructed in real time March 14, 2007 Analysis Meeting