Leadership Development Plan Marcia Taylor LEAD 520 Leadership Coaching Dr. Patricia Addesso March 27, 2014
Bacone College (BC) Bacone College (BC)founded in 1880 Historical Mission to America Indians Related to the American Baptist Churches-USA Vision 2020 Strategic Plan Goal of 51% American Indian Students Leadership development plan will help the college to meet the goals of Vision 2020 Bacone College is the oldest higher education institution on Oklahoma. The college has a historical relationship with the American Baptist Church-USA and maintains its historical commitment to American Indians. In 2009, the Board of Trustees adopted the Vision 2020 Strategic Plan. One of the goals of the plan is to recommit to its historical roots and focus on recruitment and retention of American Indian students to meet a goal of 51% enrollment of the student population by 2020. To meet this goal and the other goals of the Vision 2020 plan, I have developed a leadership plan as a part of the administration at Bacone College to implement across campus.
Leadership style Leadership style should be a strategic choice and address the particular situation Combination of two leadership styles is the strategic choice for BC Affiliative Style – People Come First Authoritative Style – State Vision and Set Standards BC in midst of change and transition with new Interim President Leaders assume their styles should be based on personality but leadership style should be a strategic choice and the style used should best address the particular situation (Goleman, 2000). Leaders should also not rely on just one style, many times the situation calls for a combination of styles. Bacone College is in the middle of change, the President of 12 years retired at the end of 2013, a new Interim President has been appointed by the Board of Trustees. During this change and transition, the affiliative style would be an appropriate leadership style. Affiliative style is centered around the people, values individuals and emotions rather more than tasks and goals (2000). Employees felt they were not valued during the previous President’s tenure. In the midst of change, the affiliative style would provide value employees need and develop loyalty. The authoritative style states vision, sets standards, charts a new course and sells people on long term vision (2000). The combination of affiliative and authoritative styles would increase morale while providing vision that employees at Bacone College needs.
BC Organizational Structure BC will implement a balance between a centralized and decentralized structure Previous structure was centralized-top heavy New leadership provides opportunity to decentralize structure Decentralized structure encourages motivation, creativity, team environment Direction and Decisions made at various levels Centralized structure-lots of detail, hard choices-financial area Both structures will help provide and help employees to contribute to the collective direction, alignment and commitment (DAC) Organizations are embracing a variety of structures that lean towards more decentralization and flexible ones (Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010). Bacone College’s previous leadership operated in a highly centralized structure, every decision was approved by the President. The appointment of an Interim President provides an opportunity to decentralize the structure. Allowing various levels of the organization to provide direction and make decisions creates a team environment and encourages motivation and creativity (Malone, 2004). Setting vision, mission and objectives should continued to be made by the board of trustees and administration, the various level of staff should have input in how the vision, mission and objectives are carried out and making decisions to meet the goals set. A balance between the centralized structure and decentralized structure would allow employees to feel loyal, committed and valued as they carry out the objectives of the college. A centralized structure is needed in the financial area of the college, due to the current financial situation, it requires a great amount of detail and making hard but sound choices about budget and financial resources. Within the organizational structure of the college, leader development will provide direction, alignment and commitment (DAC) to employees and then will increase the ability of the employee to contribute to DAC.
BC Performance Evaluation and Feedback Process Feedback intensive programs provide individuals deeper understanding of their strengths and development needs BC implemented 360 feedback for top administration Advantages of implementing a 360 degree program for all employees at BC 360 feedback provides data about current leadership strengths and development needs as perceived by others 360 assessment can measure behavioral change and resulting impact Feedback intensive programs (FIPs) afford individuals a better understanding of their leadership strengths and development needs which enable them to develop action plans so they can be more effective in their personal lives and at work (Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010). The 360 feedback program provides feedback data from different sources such as the supervisor, peers, and other managers. Bacone College Board of Trustees implemented the 360 feedback program for top administrators in 2013. The 360 feedback program would be beneficial for all employees at the college. The program could provide feedback from the employees supervisors, co-workers, supervisors from other departments, and students. The feedback will provide the employee a different perspective of their strengths and needs as perceived by others.
BC Team/Individual Performance Development Developing leaders enhances performance and expands capacity BC will utilize developmental relationships and developmental assignments Developmental relationships Mentors and Coaches Activities to build performance capacity Expand work responsibilities, project assignments, cross functional team assignments Enhancing workers performance in current roles, improving ability to carry out tasks of leadership and expanding capacity for higher leadership positions are part of an organizations leader development process to improve performance (Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010). An important element for Bacone College is developmental relationships. Mentoring and coaching will be utilized to enhance performance development. Managers and supervisors as coaches would be the most effective way for a team or individuals performance development. Challenging assignments is a source of learning and provides a way to get the employee out of their comfort zone to increase new knowledge and capabilities (2010). Activities for performance development at Bacone College will done by expanding work responsibilities, project assignments, and cross functional team assignments.
Leadership Coaching Definition Coaching is a practice where coach and coachee collaborate to: Assess coachee Understand coachee development needs Challenge coachee Support coachee to reach new goals Goal of coaching Improve effectiveness of leader Improve effectiveness of team/organization Leadership coaching is a practice in which the coach and coachee collaborate to assess, understand development needs, challenge current constraints, provide support to reach new goals and sustain development (Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010). The goal of coaching is to improve the effectiveness of the leader and of the team and organization (2010). Coaching helps determine the needs of the leader so they are able to move to the next level in leadership.
BC Leadership Coaching Extended Coaching Approach @ BC Train or certify internal staff to do coaching Formal coaching part of the leader development system Advantages of Extended Coaching Relationship Trust Safe Environment Cultural Awareness in Coaching Implementing the extended coaching approach at Bacone College would be advantageous for the employees and organization. The extended coaching approach trains internal staff to do some professional coaching (Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010). An important element in leadership coaching is the relationship between the coach and coachee. Using internal staff to provide coaching would utilize the relationships that have already been built between manager and staff, this would also provide a trusting and safe environment that the coachee needs during the coaching process. Because of the uniqueness of Bacone College’s mission of to American Indians, the college has many staff that are American Indian from different tribes and cultures. Coaches can become more cross-culturally competent by becoming well informed about the cultures, join cultural diverse communities, and approach coaching as an opportunity to learn from the coachee (2010). Coaches becoming more culturally competent would also provide a mutual commitment and respect with the coachee.
Empowering Employees in the Decision Making Process at BC Empowering employees in decision making process is a key value Mentoring and coaching help employees to make sound decisions Decentralized structure makes way for employees to be involved in the decision making process A key to growth and leader development for its employees at Bacone College is empowering employees in the decision making process. With the decentralized structure, employees at varying levels of the college will be able to make decisions in their departmental areas and provide input into the overall decisions of the college. Empowerment is an active focus of employee development with responsibility to participate with knowledge, ideas, and opportunities in the decision making process of the organization (Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010).
BC Internal and External Communication Process Organizations communicate what it values BC would communicate internally with team, staff, departmental meetings; newsletters, email Develop a learning network through Moodle learning platform for staff BC would communicate externally by social media, newsletter-mail and electronically, annual reports Communication is key in the life of an organization. Organization values are revealed in what it spends time communicating about (Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010). Bacone College would communicate with its employees through meetings, company newsletters, and email. Bacone utilizes the Moodle learning platform, a learning network for staff could be developed where employees can access professional development opportunities, human resources information, organizational information. Bacone College would communicate externally through social media such as facebook, twitter, etc.; newsletters both by mail and electronically and annual reports.
Conflict Resolution Conflict can be an everyday occurrence and is inevitable Collaborative Conflict Style Cooperative- everyone is important Finding best solution when there are a variety of views Collaborative conflict is an effective method for BC Tries to find common ground Conflict can be an everyday occurrence and inevitably will arise at work and in team settings (Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010). Conflict can provide an opportunity for growth and development if the conflict is resolved effectively (Conflict resolution, n.d.). The collaborative conflict style takes the approach that everyone is important and everyone cooperates in finding the best solution (n.d.). The collaborative conflict style would work well at Bacone College because it involves trying to find common ground by putting the needs of others at the center and working together to find the best resolution for everyone.
BC Conflict Resolution Process Present the perception of the problem Gather information Agree on the problem trying to solve Brainstorm possible solutions Negotiate a solution During the Process Listen to concerns, absorb criticism, find common ground for solutions The conflict resolution process includes presenting the perception of the problem. Those involved in the conflict may have differing perspectives of what the conflict actually is, presenting the perception will help in the process of agreeing on what the problem is that is being solved (Conflict Resolution, n.d.). Gathering information helps to find out underlying interests or concerns. Allowing all involved to share their viewpoint and providing their perspective of the solution is important in resolving the conflict. To deal effectively with conflict, during the process all participants should be active listeners, absorb any criticism and find common ground by putting needs of others at the center of the problem solving (Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010). Effective management of the conflict resolution process is essential to team effectiveness and provides leader development growth by encouraging leaders to be proactive to try to avert or manage conflict (2010).
BC Change Management Process BC will use Lewin’s Process of Change Management Unfreeze-Change-Refreeze Unfreeze stage-existing way of doing things cannot continue Change stage-begin to look for new ways of doing things Re-freeze stage-changes incorporated into everyday life of the college Kurt Lewin’s model of change involves three stages-unfreeze, change and freeze. The unfreeze stage is preparing the organization to accept change and understanding that it is necessary, during the change stage people accept change and support the new direction, the changes are incorporated into the everyday life of the organization during the refreeze change (Lewin’s Change Model, n.d.). Lewin’s model works well for Bacone College because of the state in which the college has been in the last decade, the existing way cannot continue in order for the college to be successful. Preparing employees for change by providing important information such as declining revenue and low enrollment will help employees understand the need for change. Implementing change in areas such as the recruitment strategy, financial control policies, customer service areas are ways to help the college find a new way of doing things. The signs that the organization is in the refreeze stage are stability, consistency, and changes have been incorporated into the everyday life of the organization (n.d.)
Conclusion Bacone College (BC)is higher education institution currently going through change and transition. BC will provide leadership development by using a combination of centralized and decentralized structure, providing a 360 feedback program, leadership coaching, establishing a conflict resolution process and empowering employees in the decision making process. Lewin’s process of change management will assist leadership during the current change and transition it is experiencing. By implementing the leadership development plan, BC will be on its way to meeting the goals of the Vision 2020 plan.
References Conflict Resolution (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/arti cle/newLDR_81.htm Goleman, D. (2000). Leadership that gets results. Harvard Business Review. www.hbr.org Lewin’s Change Management Model (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/arti cle/newPPM_94.htm Malone (2004). Making the decision to decentralize. Retrieved from http://hbswk.hbs.edu/archive/4020.html Velsor, E., McCauley, C., & Ruderman, M. (2010). The center for creative leadership: Handbook of leadership development. San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Boss