How to use this presentation The Instructor/Designer inserts relevant questions and answers where indicated. Instructor breaks class into groups, runs the presentation, and students select question values from the Main Screen. Click on the question value to display the question, then click on the question screen to display the answer. After each answer, click on “Return to Main Game Board” link to return to the Main Screen to select another question. Previously accessed questions will be dimmed. Instructor should keep track of score on the board.
Top Up Your Trainers Toolbox Openings Learning Cycle/SAVI The Brain Closing 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400
How long should your opening take Openings For 100 How long should your opening take
Answer 10% of the first day
Learning Cyle/SAVI For 100 What are the 4 stages of the learning cycle?
Preparation, Presentation, Practice, Performance Answer Preparation, Presentation, Practice, Performance
How many Filters do we need to pass to make learning stick? Brain For 100 How many Filters do we need to pass to make learning stick?
Answer 4
How long should your close last? Close For 100 How long should your close last?
Answer 10% of the final day
Openings For 200 Describe and opening you could use for a group that are returning after 1-month for part II of the course.
Learning Cyle/SAVI For 200 What does the letters of SAVI stand for?
Answer Somatic Auditory Visual Intellectual
After how much content, measured in time, can the hippocampus store? Brain For 200 After how much content, measured in time, can the hippocampus store?
Answer 7-minutes
List 3 things a close shouldn’t do Close For 200 List 3 things a close shouldn’t do
Leave unanswered questions Over run Be omitted Introduce new content Be trainer centred Leave unanswered questions Demotivate
Openings For 300 List 3 benefits for starting a workshop with a ‘group’ puzzle/task that takes around 10-15 minutes?
Answer Allows you to start on time Gets learners working together Connects learners to content Gives you time to settle into the workshop
Learning Cyle/SAVI For 300 What stage of the learning cycle should take the most time and what should the percentage be?
Answer Practice – 70%
What’s the role of the hippocampus Brain For 300 What’s the role of the hippocampus
Answer To look for patterns
Describe a close that could be used for this workshop Close For 300 Describe a close that could be used for this workshop
Answer ?
What Are The 3 Criteria for a Great Opening: Openings For 400 What Are The 3 Criteria for a Great Opening: It must BREAK …. Facilitate ….. Be relevant to …….
Answer It must BREAK Preoccupation Facilitate Networking Be relevant to Content
Learning Cyle/SAVI For 400 Write a Behavioural Based Objective for teaching trainers how to open a workshop
Answer You will be able to design workshop openings when creating new workshops that include a Task, Condition and Standard.
Name the for parts of the brain used to make learning stick Brain For 400 Name the for parts of the brain used to make learning stick
Answer RAS Amygdala Hippocampus Pre Frontal Cortex
Close For 400 A close should Allow for …… Tie things ……….
Allow for Action Planning Answer Allow for Celebration Tie things Together Allow for Action Planning