Building Assets & Reducing Risks Moving the Needle on Freshman Success
Each Drop-out cost tax payers $13,500 per year for 23 years. “Get your Freshman 6” Why? 70% of freshman students who do not finish their freshman year with 6 high school credits, will drop out of High School. Each Drop-out cost tax payers $13,500 per year for 23 years.
From 2011-2015 76% of OHCHS Freshman Passed 6+ classes. Dr. David Silvernail, USM Muskie, 2006
Goal – 90%+ Success Rate
School Student Community Success Obstacles 2011-2015 9th Gr. Schedule Attendance Academic Intervention Organizational Skills Lack of Teaming Mental Health Issues Lack of Student/Teacher Advocate Structure Academic Skill Base Success Obstacles 2011-2015 Guidance Involvement Community Big Brothers/Big Sisters College/University Poverty & Isolation Factors Home Involvement YMCA / Rec. Center
5-year Freshman Success Plan Focus on sustainable “Structures”
2016-18 Initiatives (2-yr. foundation) 1. Student Triage List & Plan 2 2016-18 Initiatives (2-yr. foundation) 1. Student Triage List & Plan 2. Freshman Tutorial as Academic Intervention 3. Freshman Team Structure and Experiential Education P.D.
In 2016/17, 84% of OHCHS Freshman Passed 6+ classes. Dr. David Silvernail, USM Muskie, 2006
In 2017/18, 85% of OHCHS Freshman Passed 6+ classes. 14 Students Failed 1 class
2018/19 Initiatives 1. Student Triage List 2. Teaming and P. D. 3 2018/19 Initiatives 1. Student Triage List 2. Teaming and P.D. 3. Freshman Tutorial 4. B.A.R.R. Initiative 5. Community Mentor Program
Building Assets & Reducing Risks Teaming with 2x per week Team Meeting & Student/Teacher Advocate Weekly Academic & Social Support Check-ins Guidance & Administrative Support Student Progress via check-ins, grades and surveys. Freshman Tutorial for Academic Intervention. Meaningful Parent/Teacher Communication through the Teacher Advocate.
2016/17/18 Student Failure Breakdown
Q1 F Grade Comparison 2015/16 226 2016/17 115 2017/18 119 2018/19 91 School Year Total # of F Grades 2015/16 226 2016/17 115 2017/18 119 2018/19 91
What we know about 2017/18 freshman attendance Students with 4+ F Grades Average Days Missed Attendance – 32 Days Absent Students with 3 F Grades Average Days Missed Attendance – 18.5 Days Absent Students with 2 F Grades Average Days missed Attendance – 19.7 Days Absent Students with 1 F Grade Average Days Missed Attendance – 13 Days Absent
OHCHS Science 46
Success Obstacles 2011/15 Student Obstacles Organizational Skills Attendance Mental Health Issues Engagement Home Involvement Academic Skill Base Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Boys & Girls Club, YMCA/Rec. Center School Obstacles 9th Grade Schedule Lack of Teaming Lack of Student/Teacher Advocate Structure Guidance Involvement Academic Intervention
OHCHS Math 46
OHCHS English 46
OHCHS History 46