MISSIONS OF THE PERMANENT FORUM ON INDIGENOUS ISSUES Bolivia In response to a request from the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues organized a multi-agency mission to visit the Department of Santa Cruz and La Paz in April and May 2009 to verify complaints regarding forced labour and servitude among communities of the Guaraní people and to draw up proposals and recommendations to ensure that the fundamental rights of persons, communities, and indigenous peoples are respected.
After its visit the Forum issued its report on the mission on 21 January 2010 in UN document E/C.19/2010/6, including many recommendations, must of them to the Government of Bolivia. Some of the recommendation included: The Government must, as a matter of urgency, ensure the safety and Protection of Guaraní leaders and their defenders, and take appropriate measures against those found to have threatened or committed acts of violence against them.
The Permanent Forum considers the Policy for the Reconstitution of the Territory of the Guaraní Nation of fundamental importance, and a good example of an effective application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Bolivian Government must ensure, including through the provision of an adequate budget, the expeditious completion of the process of saneamiento (land titling for indigenous peoples and the implementation of Process of redistribution of land).
To follow up the compliance of the recommendations, the Permanent Forum: … called upon the United Nations country team in the country and especially OHCHR to promote the human rights of indigenous peoples generally and, in particular, the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report.
Paraguay In response to a request from the Government of Paraguay, the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues organized a multi-agency mission to Asunción and Filadelfia in April 2009 to verify complaints regarding forced labour and servitude among communities of Guaraní peoples and to draw up proposals and recommendations to ensure that the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples are respected. After its visit the Forum issued its report on the mission on 21 January 2010 in UN document E/C.19/2010/5 including many recommendations, must of them to the Government of Paraguay.
To follow up the compliance of the recommendations, the Permanent Forum concluded that: The Permanent Forum should engage in a dialogue with the agencies of the United Nations in Paraguay, the goal of which should be the application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as other relevant international conventions, and the implementation of the recommendations of the Permanent Forum by the relevant agencies. The Permanent Forum should encourage development agencies to provide assistance to indigenous peoples of the Chaco region, including by supporting efforts to combat forced labour and to improve access to water, food and basic social services, such as health care and education. The mission urges United Nations agencies to support the Ministries of Labour and Statistics in their continuing efforts to generate data on working conditions among indigenous populations.
The United Nations agencies in Paraguay should work together closely to address indigenous issues, including forced labour. They should also coordinate their efforts in support of the emergency facing the peoples of the Chaco due to drought and should support the Government in building a strategy for the more sustainable development of the fragile Chaco region and its indigenous peoples.
Colombia Responding to an invitation from the Government of Colombia endorsed by the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC), the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (hereinafter “the Permanent Forum” or “the Forum”) conducted a mission to Colombia with the support of various United Nations agencies from 5 to 9 July 2010. The purpose of the visit was to observe the situation of indigenous peoples that are victims of abuses related to the armed conflict and are in danger of extinction and the situation of the Awá people. After its visit the Forum issued its report on the mission on 11 February 2011,UN document E/C.19/2011/13 including many recommendations, most of them to the government of Colombia.
To follow up the compliance of the recommendations, the PFII concluded that: Round-table dialogue should include follow-up on the implementation of recommendations made by mechanisms of the United Nations system. Recommendations on indigenous issues should not be formulated by the United Nations system without consultation with indigenous peoples and should always be duly implemented and put into effect with their participation. The Permanent Forum invites the parties to hold public meetings to follow up on this report and other international reports during their upcoming sessions.
Challenges faced by the missions of the PFII *Strengthen cooperation among the PFII and the UN agencies for the compliance of the recommendations issued in its reports. *Strengthen dialogue mechanisms at the country level between indigenous peoples’ organizations and the UN country team. UN agencies at the country level can provide great support facilitating the dialogue between indigenous peoples’ organizations and the government to ensure the compliance of the recommendations