January Session Chair’s Supplementary Material


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Presentation transcript:

January 2018 802.11 Session Chair’s Supplementary Material Sept 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1067 January 2018 January 2018 802.11 Session Chair’s Supplementary Material Date: 2018-01-17 Authors: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

January 2018 Introduction This report provides the WG chair’s supplementary material related to attending the January 2018 802.11 WG plenary meetings. Refer to the agenda: 11-17/1803r<latest> Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

January 2018 Wednesday Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

W 2.1 - Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings November 2016 doc.: ec-16-0149-00-00EC January 2018 W 2.1 - Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings All participation in in any IEEE 802 meeting (Sponsor, Sponsor subgroup, Working Group, Working Group subgroup, etc.) is on an individual basis. •     Participants in the IEEE standards development individual process shall act based on their qualifications and experience. (https://standards.ieee.org/develop/policies/bylaws/sb_bylaws.pdf section 5.2.1) •    IEEE 802 Working Group membership is by individual; “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives”. (http://ieee802.org/PNP/approved/IEEE_802_WG_PandP_v19.pdf section 4.2.1) You have an obligation to act and vote as an individual and not under the direction of any other individual or group. Your obligation to act and vote as an individual applies in all cases, regardless of any external commitments, agreements, contracts, or orders. You shall not direct the actions or votes of any other member of an IEEE 802 Working Group or retaliate against any other member for their actions or votes within IEEE 802 Working Group meetings, see https://standards.ieee.org/develop/policies/bylaws/sb_bylaws.pdf section and http://ieee802.org/PNP/approved/IEEE_802_WG_PandP_v19.pdf section 3.4.1, list item x By participating in IEEE 802 meetings, you accept these requirements. If you do not agree to these policies then you shall not participate. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Dorothy Stanley, HP Enterprise

W2.2 – Call for potentially essential patents Sept 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1067 January 2018 W2.2 – Call for potentially essential patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance, please respond at this time by providing relevant information to the WG Chair. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

W2.3 – Thursday CAC reminder January 2018 W2.3 – Thursday CAC reminder Leaders of 802.11 Task Groups, Study Groups, Topic Interest Groups and Standing Committees (or their nominee) should attend the Thursday CAC at 7:30pm. The purpose of the CAC is: To prepare the agenda and material for the closing WG plenary To create room requests for the next session To advise and support the chair in his responsibilities as an EC member Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

W5.2 – WG Officer Election Process for March 2018 January 2018 W5.2 – WG Officer Election Process for March 2018 Adrian Stephens is not seeking re-election. He will conduct the elections. The WG officer elected positions (Chair, 2 vice chairs) are open for election in March 2018. Nominations will be opened, received and closed during the March Monday opening plenary. Self nomination is valid. Introductory statements made by candidates with Q&A on Monday. Elections take place on Wednesday. In the case of a contested election, secret elimination ballot(s) will be held as necessary All positions require majority confirmation vote. This will be a standing count. The WG chair & vice chairs are subject to confirmation by IEEE 802 EC, and must provide and have had accepted statements of affiliation and support to 802 EC secretary before the Friday closing EC meeting. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

W5.7 - Recess for Award Recognition January 2018 W5.7 - Recess for Award Recognition As photographs for the purpose of awards and recognition are not permitted during a WG meeting, the WG will recess at this point until the Friday closing plenary. The rules on photographs changed recently, hence this change in our practice. After this recess, you may leave the room or stay for the award and recognition as you will. Photographs are permitted because the WG is no longer in session. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Standards Medallion awards January 2018 Standards Medallion awards The Standards Medallion is awarded for major contributions to the development of standards. Examples include but are not limited to the following: Leadership in standardization of new technologies Assuring achievement of standards development goals Identifying opportunities to better serve the needs of standards users Other contributions viewed as deserving of such recognition Carlos Cordeiro – 802.11ad Alfred Asterjadhi – 802.11ah Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Standards Medallion January 2018 Carlos Cordeiro – for work on 802.11ad and 802.11ay Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Standards Medallion – Carlos Cordeiro January 2018 Standards Medallion – Carlos Cordeiro Wi-Fi Alliance technical advisor Technical editor of 802.11ad and 802.11ay Intel Inventor of the Year Award in 2016 IEEE Outstanding Engineer Award in 2011 IEEE New Face of Engineering Award 2007 Co-author of two textbooks on wireless in 2006 and 2011 Published over 100 technical papers Former editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications & IEEE Wireless Communication Letters Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Standards Medallion Alfred Asterjadhi – for work on 802.11ah January 2018 Alfred Asterjadhi – for work on 802.11ah Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Standards Medallion – Alfred Asterjadhi January 2018 Standards Medallion – Alfred Asterjadhi Active contributor to IEEE standards and the Wi-Fi alliance Vice Chair and technical editor 802.11ah Award from National Telecommunications and Information Theory Group in 2011 Cariolaro scholarship in 2011 Author/co-author of multiple journal papers in wireless communications & book on underwater acoustic networking Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Emerging Technology Award Sept 2016 Emerging Technology Award doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1067 January 2018 Emerging Technology Award Presented to IEEE 802.11 Working Group “For developing the IEEE 802.11 Enhancements for Very High Throughput in the 60 GHz Band standard, the first IEEE standard for wireless LAN millimetre wave technology, enabling widespread consumer and commercial use of 60 GHz spectrum for applications requiring extremely high performance, multi-gigabit connectivity and low latency.” Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

January 2018 802.11 chair receives the award from Don Wright, IEEE-SA president, on behalf of 802.11 members. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Recognition Individual Recognition Eldad Perahia Sept 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1067 January 2018 Recognition Individual Recognition Eldad Perahia VHT SG Chair (2007-2008) TGad Chair (2008-2012) Vinko Erceg TGad Vice Chair James Yee Chris Hansen Carlos Cordeiro TGad Technical Editor Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

802.11ad Awards Were presented March 2013, midweek plenary January 2018 802.11ad Awards Were presented March 2013, midweek plenary See https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/13/11-13-0168-01-0000-802-11-supplementary-plenary-information-orlando-march-2013.pptx And awards ceremony photographs http://www.ieee802.org/11/Photographs/2013/201303%20TGad%20Awards/index.htm Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

January 2018 friday Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

F 2.1 - Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings November 2016 doc.: ec-16-0149-00-00EC January 2018 F 2.1 - Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings All participation in in any IEEE 802 meeting (Sponsor, Sponsor subgroup, Working Group, Working Group subgroup, etc.) is on an individual basis. •     Participants in the IEEE standards development individual process shall act based on their qualifications and experience. (https://standards.ieee.org/develop/policies/bylaws/sb_bylaws.pdf section 5.2.1) •    IEEE 802 Working Group membership is by individual; “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives”. (http://ieee802.org/PNP/approved/IEEE_802_WG_PandP_v19.pdf section 4.2.1) You have an obligation to act and vote as an individual and not under the direction of any other individual or group. Your obligation to act and vote as an individual applies in all cases, regardless of any external commitments, agreements, contracts, or orders. You shall not direct the actions or votes of any other member of an IEEE 802 Working Group or retaliate against any other member for their actions or votes within IEEE 802 Working Group meetings, see https://standards.ieee.org/develop/policies/bylaws/sb_bylaws.pdf section and http://ieee802.org/PNP/approved/IEEE_802_WG_PandP_v19.pdf section 3.4.1, list item x By participating in IEEE 802 meetings, you accept these requirements. If you do not agree to these policies then you shall not participate. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Dorothy Stanley, HP Enterprise

F2.2 – Call for potentially essential patents Sept 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1067 January 2018 F2.2 – Call for potentially essential patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance, please respond at this time by providing relevant information to the WG Chair. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

F2.4 Administrative Reminders January 2018 F2.4 Administrative Reminders Next Full WG Session starts: 2018-03-04 1st CAC telecon – Monday 2018-01-29 at noon ET (~ -5 weeks) Initial objectives/agendas should be uploaded as mentor documents (.ppt format) or send to chair (.xls tab format) before the telecon. Meeting date set to meet 30-day agenda submission deadline. 2nd CAC telecon – Monday 2018-02-26 at noon ET (~ -1 week) Send snapshots to Dorothy Stanley before this telecon. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

January 2018 F2.5 Letters of Assurance Database is here Open LoA requests (i.e., those that the WG chair is pursuing) None Detailed status is here: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/15/11-15-1489-07-0000-register-of-loa-requests.docx – Last updated January 2017 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

F2.6 Availability of documents – as of 2018-01-09 November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1067 Sept 2016 January 2018 F2.6 Availability of documents – as of 2018-01-09 Publication Published in TechStreet Draft in Members Area Get 802? Published by ISO? IEEE Std 802.11-2012 $659 print Yes IEEE Std 802.11-2016 $1070 print In Process IEEE Std 802.11ai-2016 $176 print IEEE Std 802.11ah-2016 $322 pdf IEEE P802.11aj D9.0 $267 pdf D9.0 IEEE P802.11ak D6.0 $145 pdf D6.0 IEEE P802.11aq D14 $94 pdf D14.0 IEEE Std 802.11af-2013 $201 print IEEE Std 802.11ac-2013 $309 print IEEE Std 802.11ad-2012 $371 print IEEE Std 802.11ae-2012 $108 print IEEE Std 802.11aa-2012 $185 print ** = request pending Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

F2.7 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Ballots Drafts November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1067 Sept 2016 January 2018 F2.7 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Ballots 60 day ballot of IEEE Std 802.11ai-2016 (second printing) completed with 1 comment. Drafts Drafts are sent to JTC1/SC6 during sponsor ballot to solicit comments. Approved drafts may also be sent during working group ballot. Any comments received from ISO are processed by the comment resolution committee Drafts are liaised subject to EC approval Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Andrew Myles, Cisco

F7.1 802 Wireless Chairs meeting January 2018 F7.1 802 Wireless Chairs meeting The wireless chairs meeting makes decisions related to the operation of the wireless interim meetings, such as location and cost. The meeting is open to all. If you are interested in these topics, please attend. The wireless chairs meeting takes place at 4:00pm local time on the Sunday of 802 Plenary and 802 Wireless Interim sessions. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

F7.2 Next Meeting – Interim January 2018 F7.2 Next Meeting – Interim 2018-03-04 to 2017-03-09 at Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont, Illinois, USA Hotel reservations are open Meeting registration is open For information and registration links, see http://www.ieee802.org/11/Meetings/Meeting_Plan.html Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation