To learn more about specific colleges in Texas. Learning Objective To learn more about specific colleges in Texas. Agenda: 1. Announcements 2. College Web Quest
Announcements Fri. Nov. 16th 2-3:15pm CRCA Pep Rally Thanksgiving Break Nov. 19-23 *Remember you will still attend ACC classes Nov.19th -21st.
Our 3rd and final college to investigate is Baylor University. College web Quest Our 3rd and final college to investigate is Baylor University.
College Web Quest A few facts about Baylor University: Baylor is located in Waco, TX 2 hours from CRCA. Baylor is a private, Christian university . Baylor’s mascot is the Red Raider.
College web quest Answer the following questions: Go to this website: hp?id=88791 Answer the following questions: What is the population of Waco? How many new freshmen enrolled in 2017? How many total undergraduates attend Baylor?
College web quest 5. What is the student to staff ratio? 6. What is the average class size? 7. How many undergraduate degrees does Baylor offer? 8. How many varsity sports does Baylor have?
College Web Quest Now let’s compare and contrast the cost of attendance between two of the colleges we have researched: Baylor University and Lamar University. Go to these two websites: What is the total cost of tuition for both universities? What is the cost for room and board? What is the total cost of attendance for both schools? (Why does Lamar have a different cost for in- state and out-of-state residents and why is Baylor’s the same?) *Does this information affect whether you plan to attend a private or public university?