Conclusion and action points 13th meeting of ESA working group 26-27 October 2015, Brussels MSCG 5th November 2015, Brussels.


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Presentation transcript:

Conclusion and action points 13th meeting of ESA working group 26-27 October 2015, Brussels MSCG 5th November 2015, Brussels

ESA conclusion ESA Mandate on PoM: All ESA members discussed on the mandate and future actions for ESA WG. Discussion raised the need for MSs to ensure that ESA member(s) fit with the existing ESA mandate, particularly on programme of measures. ESA inform MSCG on discussion to change ESA WG terms of references to replace name "ESA" by "POMESA” to better integrate the programme of measures related issues,

ESA conclusion GES and annex III review : WG ESA took notes of GES decision, annex III review process, Certain ESA WG members expressed concerns on the proposed revised Annex III Table 2b on uses & human activities that do not consider ESA documents and guidance.

ESA conclusion points Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme (2016-2018) : Various ideas for a potential ESA-working programme were collected and discussed at the March 2015 ESA-meeting. From March proposal, it was agreed to focus on five priority actions, where leads, if any, were identified to initiate discussion in October meeting. ESA WG members have been informed that MSFD CIS work programme (2016-2018) discussion will be initiated at next MSCG (5th Nov 2015) and should to be finalised in Feb 2016

ESA conclusion Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme (2016-2018) (bis) : ESA WG propose to MSCG to consider in its discussion on future CIS MSFD work programme : Action A - ESA Initial Assessment 2010 guidance review: focus on chapter 5 related to data collection, lead : UK, Participants : all MS Action B - Regional Sea Conventions cooperation – sharing on how socioeconomic issues (and measures) are coordinated Action C - Defining scientific information needed for economic analysis for the MSFD, Lead: NT, Participants: LT and potentially SE, DE & FR

ESA conclusion Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme (2016-2018) (ter) : Action D - Exchange of experiences on socio-economic analysis regarding MPAs and its contribution for MSFD-implementation” Lead: potentially FR, Participants : potentially ES, DE & NL Action E - To bring in and link up socio-economic expertise within the 2018 assessments and targets & its sub-action Sharing experiences on the potential role of socio-economics in advising when setting targets Other actions : ESA WG propose to MSCG to consider to discuss further on potential actions on ecosystem services approaches, linking WFD and MSFD regarding socio-economics & cost analysis on the implementation of the POMs