Dietetics Health Technologies II Mr. Kestner
Careers in Dietetics Dietetic Aide… Dietetic Aide… Certified Dietary Manager… Certified Dietary Manager… Dietetic Technician Dietetic Technician Collects dietary information from patients Collects dietary information from patients Performs basic diet counseling Performs basic diet counseling Teaches nutrition classes Teaches nutrition classes Registered Dietician Registered Dietician Assesses nutritional status of patients Assesses nutritional status of patients Develops specialized nutritional care plans Develops specialized nutritional care plans Educates about nutrition and therapeutic diets Educates about nutrition and therapeutic diets Manages food service operations Manages food service operations
Procedures in Dietetics Assisting the client to eat Assisting the client to eat Therapeutic diets Therapeutic diets Taking a diet history Taking a diet history
Assisting the Client to Eat Who needs assistance? Who needs assistance? Sick, weak & injured clients Sick, weak & injured clients Clients who are visually impaired Clients who are visually impaired Those with handicaps Those with handicaps May become frustrated – be patient May become frustrated – be patient Preparation: Preparation: Position the client for eating Position the client for eating Feeding Feeding Hand-Over-Hand Hand-Over-Hand
Assisting the client to eat Positioning the client to eat (Feeding) Positioning the client to eat (Feeding) Correct position to prevent choking and aspiration Correct position to prevent choking and aspiration Choking – food lodged in airway Choking – food lodged in airway Aspiration – food/liquid advances beyond vocal cords and enters lungs Aspiration – food/liquid advances beyond vocal cords and enters lungs Transfer Transfer Position as close to upright as possible Position as close to upright as possible Do not allow head to fall back Do not allow head to fall back
Therapeutic Diets Low-fat, low-cholesterol diet Low-fat, low-cholesterol diet High levels of cholesterol in blood High levels of cholesterol in blood Reduce chances of heart attack and stroke Reduce chances of heart attack and stroke Limit fatty meats, fried foods, whole dairy products, eggs, and high-fat desserts Limit fatty meats, fried foods, whole dairy products, eggs, and high-fat desserts Substitute with lean meats, skinless poultry, baked or broiled seafood, low- fat/fat-free dairy products, egg substitutes and lower-fat dessert items Substitute with lean meats, skinless poultry, baked or broiled seafood, low- fat/fat-free dairy products, egg substitutes and lower-fat dessert items
Therapeutic Diets Low-sodium diet Low-sodium diet Recommended for hypertension Recommended for hypertension Cut back on use of salt shaker Cut back on use of salt shaker Season foods with herbs and spices Season foods with herbs and spices Avoid prepared foods such as canned foods, noodle mixes, frozen meals and snack foods Avoid prepared foods such as canned foods, noodle mixes, frozen meals and snack foods Look for lower-sodium versions of these Look for lower-sodium versions of these Include fruits and vegetables in diet Include fruits and vegetables in diet
Therapeutic Diets Diabetic Diet Diabetic Diet Important for people with diabetes Important for people with diabetes Involves eating regular meals and snacks, making careful food choices, and being physically active Involves eating regular meals and snacks, making careful food choices, and being physically active Overweight people may benefit from weight loss Overweight people may benefit from weight loss Registered dietician works closely with a person with diabetes Registered dietician works closely with a person with diabetes
Therapeutic Diets High-fiber diet High-fiber diet Used to treat certain digestive problems like constipation Used to treat certain digestive problems like constipation Recommended as a preventive measure to reduce risk of some forms of cancer Recommended as a preventive measure to reduce risk of some forms of cancer Choose foods that are good sources of fiber including fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain breads & cereals, nuts, seeds Choose foods that are good sources of fiber including fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain breads & cereals, nuts, seeds
Therapeutic Diets Calcium-rich diet Calcium-rich diet Recommended as a preventive measure and as part of treatment for osteoporosis Recommended as a preventive measure and as part of treatment for osteoporosis Includes a variety of foods high in calcium such as milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, broccoli and pinto beans Includes a variety of foods high in calcium such as milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, broccoli and pinto beans Foods that are calcium-fortified such as soy beverages, juices, breads and cereals are also good Foods that are calcium-fortified such as soy beverages, juices, breads and cereals are also good
Therapeutic Diets Modified-consistency diets Modified-consistency diets Used for people with chewing or swallowing problems Used for people with chewing or swallowing problems Pureed Pureed Chopped Chopped mashed mashed Appropriate consistency is determined by condition of teeth and the ability to swallow with risk of choking or aspiration Appropriate consistency is determined by condition of teeth and the ability to swallow with risk of choking or aspiration Foods containing nuts, seeds, coconut and most raw fruits and vegetables are excluded Foods containing nuts, seeds, coconut and most raw fruits and vegetables are excluded
Therapeutic Diets Liquid diet Liquid diet Used before and after surgery or heart attack, has a digestive problem, and before certain diagnostic tests Used before and after surgery or heart attack, has a digestive problem, and before certain diagnostic tests Most common type of diet is clear liquid Most common type of diet is clear liquid Broth Broth Tea Tea Water Water Jell-O Jell-O Clear soft drinks Clear soft drinks
Taking a Diet History Food choices are influenced by many factors, such as a clients: Food choices are influenced by many factors, such as a clients: Food likes and dislikes Food likes and dislikes Daily schedule Daily schedule Social or cultural influences Social or cultural influences Living conditions Living conditions Taking a diet history involves asking questions focusing on: Taking a diet history involves asking questions focusing on: Meal patterns and food preferences Meal patterns and food preferences Mealtime hours Mealtime hours Portion sizes Portion sizes Restricted or avoided food items Restricted or avoided food items Food availability Food availability
Summary Careers in dietetics Careers in dietetics Dietetic technician Dietetic technician Registered dietician Registered dietician Procedures in dietetics Procedures in dietetics Assisting a client to eat Assisting a client to eat Various therapeutic diets Various therapeutic diets Taking a diet history Taking a diet history