Trafficking in human beings Recent and future data collections Ole Villund Eurostat
The 2016 data collection (2015-figures) Separate from the regular data collection Fewer details than for 2008 – 2012 Practical focus
Data structure
Response Complete nonresponse Partial nonresponse 38% – 70% 30% of jurisdictions 40% of population Partial nonresponse 38% – 70% Are we quite sure about these answers? 0 (zero) = you know there are none "" (blank) = you don't know if there are any
Selected results
Victims – count
Victims – rate
Victims – totals Victims registered identified presumed total Sum 4006 Victims registered identified presumed total Sum 4006 2746 658 4858 Responses 22 20 13
Victims – details (1) Victims Male 1088 children 199 adults 863 Female Victims Male 1088 children 199 adults 863 Female 3621 871 2635 Other and unknown 550 Total 4858
Victims – details (2) Victims Sexual exploitation 2886 Male 97 Female 2286 Labour exploitation 817 498 156 Other exploitation 657 197 169
Offenders – count
Offenders – details
Some things we want to find out Current data Comparability across space and time: measuring differences between jurisdictions. measuring changes from one year to the next. Future data What data are most useful? What data are available?
What's next? Should we integrate with the regular survey? If so, what changes are necessary? Recording Collection Processing Publishing If not, what other options are there?