F Bias Favoritism; (like playing favorites) Warm-Up: No paper.


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Try to answer the following two puns:

Warm-Up: Take a 1/4 sheet from the tan bin.
A Ratify Approve or confirm Warm-Up: Take a new LINCS strategy sheet.
Warm-Up: Take a 1/4 sheet from the tan bin.
A. Stick ‘em up! Give me all your money.
B Tyranny Cruelty, bullying.
D Economic Having to do with money.
Copy the following words and then write their definitions: Ratify
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Place any late homework on your desk.
D Sovereign Absolute; supreme; total
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B A beginner, one who is not paid for doing a job
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Obstruct: Persecute: Assent: Impartial: Delegate: Tyranny: Aghast:
E Composed Made up of. Warm-Up: Do NOT take a paper from the tan bin.
G Absolute Total and complete.
E Constituent Basic, essential
F Sanctions Punishments or penalties
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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
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F Warm-Up: Do not take a paper from the tan bin.
A Warm-Up: Take a new LINCS strategy sheet from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Do NOT take a paper from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
B Warm-Up: Do not take a paper from the tan bin.
Read the following text.
A Persecute To bully, harass, torment, or bother.
Read the following text.
Obstruct: (Write the definition) Persecute: Assent: Impartial:
C Warm-Up: Do not take a paper from the tan bin.
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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
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Read the following text.
Obstruct Persecute Assent Impartial Delegate Tyranny Aghast
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
A Warm-Up: Take a new LINCS sheet from the tan bin (sheet 9).
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
C Regulated Controlled, planned.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
E Fundamental Basics; very important part of something
E Warm-Up: Do not take a paper from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
A Libel Using untrue words to hurt someone’s reputation.
Warm-Up: Take a ½ sheet from the tan bin.
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F Warm-Up: Do NOT take a paper from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Choose at least TWO of the following four words. Write them on your paper. Write at least three words for each word that relates.
Ratify: Approve or confirm
Dispute Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Place any late homework on your desk.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
B Propaganda Lies used to persuade people into believing something
Place any homework on your desk.
D Warm-Up: Do not take a paper from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take a ½ sheet from the tan bin.
D Appoint Select or choose. Warm-Up: Take no paper from the tan bin.
E Desist Warm-Up: Do NOT take a paper from the tan bin.
Warm-Up: Take no paper from the tan bin.
C Unanimous Common. Totally agreed upon.
Presentation transcript:

F Bias Favoritism; (like playing favorites) Warm-Up: No paper. Place your homework on your desk. In the next table of your LINCS sheet, copy the following information: 1. Term:   Bias   3. Reminding Word (sounds like or looks like): 4. Story (use the definition and the reminding word): 5. Picture 2. Definition: Favoritism; (like playing favorites) F

Vocabulary Sheet 3 Obstruct: To interrupt or block. Prosecution: Taking someone to court for committing a crime. Assent: Acceptance, agreement, approval. Impartial: Neutral, fair, on neither side. Delegate: Assign something to a group of people to do. Grievance: Complaint, criticism, protest.

Vocabulary Sheet 4 Persecute: To bully, harass, torment, or bother. Tyranny: Cruelty, bullying. Plunder: To steal or rob. Economic: Having to do with money. Fundamental: Basics; very important part of something. Bias: Favoritism; like playing favorites

Sheet One Aghast: horrified Stupefied: confused Goad: to whip or annoy into doing something In Vain: with no purpose Spontaneously: suddenly Navigate: to find the correct path from one spot to another Sheet Two Empower: To give power or strength to. Timid: Being scared or being unsure of yourself. Philanthropy: A desire to help people, especially through charity. Advocate: To speak or write in favor of something. Amend: To make minor changes in something to make it more fair. Peer: A person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background and social status.

Agenda (Monday, 10/15) Essential Question: How do the essential details help me to determine the overall meaning of a text? Standard: RL1 Finding key details Objective: Students will use essential details of a text to come to a conclusion based on a high order thinking question. Warm-Up: LINCS: Bias Whole Group: Prepare for stations Review HOTQ format Work Period: Technology: Achieve 3000, fill out yellow sheet and answer Activity Questions (Bike Shop Gives Kids a Break)( Independent Work: Grade 8: Read Chapter 10 of Life and Death and complete BMH questions and HOTQ. Independent Reading: Choose a book from the class library. Read quietly. Focus on any new vocabulary you can find. Teacher-Led: Skill-based lessons.

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