Regional Terms: Anterior Body Landmarks Abdominal Anterior body trunk inferior to ribs Acromial Point of shoulder Antecubital Anterior surface of elbow Axillary armpit Brachial arm Buccal Cheek area Carpal Wrist Cervical Neck region Coxal Hip Crural Leg Digital Fingers, toes Femoral Thigh Fibular Lateral part of leg Inguinal Area where thighs meet body trunk; groin Nasal Nose area Oral mouth Orbital Eye area Patellar Anterior knee Pelvic Area overlying the pelvis anteriorly Pubic Genital area Sternal Breastbone area Tarsal Ankle region Thoracic Chest Umbilical Navel
Regional Terms: Posterior Body Landmarks Calcaneal Heel of foot Cephalic Head Deltoid Curve of shoulder formed by large deltoid muscle Femoral Thigh Gluteal Buttock Lumbar Area of back between ribs and hips Occipital Posterior surface of head Olecranal Posterior surface of elbow Popliteal Posterior knee area Sacral Area between hips Scapular Shoulder blade region Sural The posterior surface of lower leg; the calf Vertebral Area of spine Plantar Sole of the foot, on inferior body surface
Directional Terms
Body Orientation and Directional Terms Definition Illustration Example Superior Toward the head end or upper part of a structure or body The forehead is superior to the nose. Inferior Away from the head end or toward the lower part of a structure or body The naval is inferior to the breastbone.
Orientation and Directional Terms Definition Illustration Example Anterior or Ventral Toward the front of the body or in front of The breastbone is anterior to the spine. Posterior or Dorsal Toward the backside of the body or behind The heart is posterior to the breastbone.
Orientation and Directional Terms Definition Illustration Example Medial Toward the body’s midline The heart is medial to the arm. Lateral Away from the body’s midline The arms are lateral to the heart.
Orientation and Directional Terms Definition Illustration Example Proximal Close to the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the trunk The elbow is proximal to the wrist. Distal Farther from the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the trunk The ankle is distal to the knee.
Orientation and Directional Terms Definition Illustration Example Superficial Toward or at the body surface The skin is superficial to the skeleton. Deep Away from the body surface, more internal The lungs are deep to the rib cage.
Body Landmarks Anterior
Body Planes and Sections Sagittal Divides the body into right and left parts Midsagittal/Median Sagittal plane that lies on the midline (creating equal halves) Frontal/Coronal Divides the body into ventral and dorsal parts Transverse/Horizontal/Cross Section Divides the body into superior and inferior parts
Body Cavities
Dorsal Cavity Ventral Cavity Protects the nervous system Cranial encases brain Vertebral encases spinal cord Ventral Cavity Houses the internal organs Thoracic encases heart and lungs Abdominopelvic encases digestive, excretory, and reproductive organs
Abdominopelvic Quadrants Abdominal Cavity Abdominopelvic Quadrants