Welcome Aspirations and Alliances Mike Ashworth Chair of MHA and MSIG Welcome everyone to the 2018 MHA Annual Event. We have a wide range of speakers here today, under the banner of Aspirations and Alliances. This follows on from last years event, which celebrated the 10th year of the MHA and the 20th Year of MSIG. Aspiration is :-a hope or ambition of achieving something – its what we want to do Alliance is;-a union or association formed for mutual benefit – it’s the way we do it
National Aspirations Remain an exemplar for industry by working with ICE, CIHT and HTMA Adapt to changes in funding regimes By making frameworks flexible Working with DfT and other funders Work towards Construction 2025 objectives and beyond Project 13 and LGA
Regional Aspirations Encourage collaborative working MHA member authorities/suppliers cultural framework BS1100 relationship plans Working more closely together across region Moving towards MHA/MSIG merger in 2019 Develop more effective Frameworks National Association of Construction Frameworks New Engineering Contract
MSIG/MHA relationship. Increase the level of collaboration across the region A powerful lobbying organisation Aligns with regional agenda such as Midlands Engine/Adept Reduce the number of meetings Rationalise membership fees Rationalise websites and newsletters A merger of MHA and MSIG will deliver a lot for the region. Hopefully, todays conference will give you food for thought for the future, and the challenges ahead. Have a good day!
MHA Annual Report - Key facts Founded in 2007 21 member authorities In 2017/18 Income 380k, expenditure 477k Total savings generated by activities to date = £54m
Mike Ashworth Chair of MHA and MSIG Enjoy the day Mike Ashworth Chair of MHA and MSIG