Created by Karly and Amelie Ports and Welfare Created by Karly and Amelie
Benefits that Ports Provide to the Community It generally offers a proposition to its region since it confers economic and social benefits, but it’s also prone to environmental constraints. The port of Brisbane has a total of 865,792 employees and operates 24/7. The top 5 industry employment jobs are: Health care and social assistance-128,681 people Retail trade- 90,873 people Professional, scientific and technical services- 79,174 people Construction- 77,111 people Education and training- 76,235 people Key growth industries in Brisbane are business services, construction, education, finance, government, health, manufacturing, mining, retail, and transport. We receive heaps of imports from multiple countries for retail. As they can make them/ the goods cheaper.
How ports connect communities to the world Ports act as gateways that connect land to the sea. The countries in the world don’t have all the resources they need for standard living so, trade is a necessity. The world depends on ports because when we import and export goods we make connections with other countries.
Awareness on what occurs within the port yards Ports are land facilities constructed to transfer goods between water and land. They consist of major features such as; Docks or berths Equipment and personnel to load and unload vessels Connections to land transportation (highways, railways, and pipe lines) Although ports hugely benefit our society, it also has some environmental impacts. Including taking up large volumes of space, emissions from the boats, dust from the handling of substances such as grain, sand, and coal.
Importance of Ports to a Primary Industry Ports bring innumerable amounts of benefits to the economy and the country. They support economic activities by allowing containers of minerals such as wheat, coal, iron ore etc. These exports are necessary for farmers to grow crops, which then helps people by providing them with food.
How Ports Connect Goods and People Ports are important for the support of economic activities, and act as a crucial connection between land and sea transport. Ports serve as an economic but also as a social function, as it supplies jobs to the community. Such as; Fork lift drivers, pilots, computer operators, crane driver etc.
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