The Patient Experience Team Xanthe Gunn – Patient Experience Facilitator South Division
Who we are Neeta Pattni, Patient Experience Facilitator (North Division), Xanthe Gunn, Patient Experience Facilitator (South Division), Dominic Mundy, Head of Patient Experience Susan Blackwell, Patient Experience Coordinator (Children’s Division) Georgina Parker, Patient Experience Facilitator (Inner Division) Ranjit Plahe Complaints and Claims Manager Barbara Havlin Complaints Officer
Patient experience in numbers In the last 12 months* 3075 patients in Merton fed back to the Trust on their experience using telephone surveys, comment cards, paper surveys, or i-pads On average 96% would recommend CLCH services each month 91% felt involved in decisions about their care or treatment 97% felt they were treated with respect 94% said their care was explained to them in a way they could understand 88% said they were satisfied with how quickly they were seen 55% said they would know how to complain or raise a concern about their treatment 96% rated their overall experience as ‘excellent’ or ‘Good’ 113 compliments were logged with the PALS service along with 41 issues for resolution No formal complaints were received from Patients in Merton * Data for period Aug16-Sept17 / Reporting period Sept16-Oct17
15 Steps Challenge Review Team Initiation Visit Feedback reported Action planning with clinical team Report back Quality Stakeholder Reference Group (QSRG) + Board via Quality Report Report outcome to board, Quality Stakeholder Reference Group (QSRG) Feedback reported Review team outcome visit 2 weeks 1 week 5 months 2 weeks
15 Steps Challenge, Morden Diabetes Service Initial visit to the Morden Diabetes Service at the Morden Road Clinic in June 2017 Team of 5 clinicians, facilitators, Trust members and patients visited the service Patient appointments were observed with permission and staff and patients in the waiting area gave feedback Initial report showed communication with patients was excellent staff said the environment could be improved information on display for patients could be better A follow up visit will be arranged in June 2018 so the team can check their recommendations have been actioned
The Always Events Project Always Events are an Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) initiative. They are aspects of the patient experience that are so important to patients, their relatives and carers, that health care providers must aim to perform them consistently for every individual, every time they have contact with a healthcare service. Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH) decided to focus on an Always Event around ‘involvement in care’ with a distinct project vision of: “We will always support patients, relatives and carers to be involved in the planning and delivery of their care” A working group was formed and having better informed patients was decided to be a priority, in order to improve the extent to which patients, their relatives and carers feel involved in their care. Stage 1: Surveying and interviewing patients, relatives, carers and staff Stage 2: Co-design meeting to review phase 1 feedback and decide on key improvement areas Stage 3: Pilot period 1- testing new ideas & gaining feedback Stage 4: Pilot period 2 – testing new ideas & gaining feedback Stage 5: New ideas become business as usual in pilot teams Stage 6: Spread to all teams
The End Product, District Nursing Teams in Merton “Hello, am I speaking with Mrs Betty Jones? My name is Laura and I am a District Nurse calling from the Parsons Green Community Nursing team at Central London Community Healthcare. Is now a good time to talk? Would you prefer me to call you Mrs Jones or Betty? You have been referred to the community nursing service by your GP for support with managing your leg ulcers and therefore one of my colleagues would like to come to visit you tomorrow in the morning so we can decide together how best the team can support you. Would that be ok? Have you understood all the information I have given you? Do you have any questions for me at the moment?”
Experience Based Co-Design (EBCD) Project: Walk In Centre waiting time satisfaction. Using a co-design approach, engage with patients and staff to understand the causes of waiting time dissatisfaction and how we can address this Observe WiCs/UCCs Interview staff & patients Edit interviews into films Co-design event Implementation Evaluation What is EBCD? – Kings Fund Gathering experiences from patients and staff Uses interviewing, observation and group discussion Identifying key 'touch points' through short edited film Staff and patients are then brought together to identify and implement activities that will improve the service
Key Performance Indicators A Positive Patient Experience Changing behaviours and care to enhance the experience of our patients and service users Proportion of patients who were treated with respect and dignity Friends and family test - percentage of people that would recommend the service Proportion of patients whose care was explained in an understandable way Proportion of patients who were involved in planning their care Proportion of patients rating their overall experience as good or excellent Percentage of patients who have been informed of how to complain or raise a concern Proportion of patients' concerns (PALS) responded to within 5 working days Proportion of complaints responded to within 25 days Proportion of complaints responded to within agreed deadline Proportion of complaints acknowledged within 3 working days
Patient Experience Team, PALS & Complaints team Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust 2nd Floor, Parsons Green Health Centre 5-7 Parsons Green, London SW6 4UL Freephone: 08003680412 E-mail: