Unlike the South the North was filled with manufacturing. 19.5 Economy of the North Unlike the South the North was filled with manufacturing. Northerners invented new machines to make manufacturing quicker. Industrial revolution- The dramatic change in economies brought about by the use of machines to do work formerly done by hand. This created industrialists. Industrialists- A person whose wealth comes from the ownership of industrial businesses and who favors government policies that support industry. The Growth of Industry. Francis Cabot Lowell copied Great Britain and used fast flowing rivers or streams to power their factories.
Francis Cabot Lowell Lowell brought British machines to the United States and improved upon their designs.
Industrial Revolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Efq-aNBkvc - Industrial Revolution Video
Industrial Revolution
Machines Make Agriculture More Efficient 19.5 Economy of the North Francis Cabot Lowell copied Great Britain and used fast flowing rivers or streams to power their factories. Steam Engines were developed to power factories not by rivers. Mass produced identical parts made goods cheaper and more plentiful. The north favored a strong central government, which could help promote business. Northern Industrialists vs. Southern Agrarians. (Both favored different policies) Machines Make Agriculture More Efficient Northern innovation also helped farmers by inventing machines, which could harvest more. Example: Reaper 25 times more than one man.
Reaper Helped farmers farm much more grain than before- Helped transform the Central Plain states into the “Bread Basket”
The North needed a way to transport goods more efficiently. 19.6 Transportation in the North The North needed a way to transport goods more efficiently. Building Better Roads Roads were horrible, in order to improve them they used gravel. They also made the national road- to tie East to the West. James Monroe vetoed more roads- He said, “it was unconstitutional.” Fast Ships and Canals River travel was still faster and cheaper than using roads. Inventors used steam engines on boats to try to make boats faster.
River travel was still faster and cheaper than using roads. 19.6 Transportation in the North River travel was still faster and cheaper than using roads. Inventors used steam engines on boats to try to make boats faster. Rivers weren’t always the fastest ways of travel so men made canals. Example- Erie Canal. Was very successful and other states built them. Quicker ships meant goods stayed fresh longer. Traveling by Rail The future was with railroads, steam powered trains, which traveled where ever track was laid.
Erie Canal Steam Boats
Steam Trains
This was cheap and easy for Southern farmers. 19.7 Transportation in the South Most of the rail lines were in the North so the south continued to use rivers. This was cheap and easy for Southern farmers. Cotton was their most important crop and they loaded cotton on to steamboats. Especially the Mississippi. This form of transportation led to many cities being built along the rivers. (New Orleans boomed) The South even went against bills to build roads because it would benefit the North. There were still some rails in the South to transport goods to the North. Although there were double the amount in the North compared to the South. 20,000 to 10,000.
This created a very rigid social structure. 19.8 Society of the South Southerners measured their wealth in terms of the amount of land and slaves they owned. This created a very rigid social structure. Plantation owners at the top. White Farmers and workers in the middle, and African Americans (Mostly slaves at the bottom).
Slavery even affected religion. 19. Society of the South As long as slavery was around and fueled the southern economy. There was no incentive for the South to change. (economically or culturally) Slavery even affected religion. Church leaders in the North and South defended their positions and divided the two groups. “The South grew, but it did not develop” White Southerners A small group of white plantation owners dominated the South economically and politically. Lived a lavish lifestyle filled with parties. Sons went to colleges and daughters received little education. Not all whites own slaves- 1 in 4 nor own land 10% too poor to own land. Schools were inferior to the North- often illiterate.
African Americans in the South 19. Society of the South African Americans in the South There was a small minority of free blacks in the south. But were treated harsher than others- Had to wear special badges, pay extra taxes, and live separately. Although most were slaves.