Monday, January 7th Welcome to the greatest high school class ever created: Modern Mythology in Literature and Film!! We will focus on the “Hero’s Journey” and “archetypes” found in modern mythology and film based on research from Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. What am I learning today? Everything you NEVER wanted to know about Mythology. What am I going to do today? TRSS forms Syllabus – Discuss Welcome to Mythology Questionnaire and/or letter Compose a letter introducing yourself to me including your expectations for this English elective. – Due on/before, Friday Handouts: archetype chart, hero and quest, and monomyth chart PPT – Joseph Campbell’s Hero Journey ppt and Lion King pdf for example Start watching Heroes Decoded Ep. 1 What will I do to show I learned it? Compose a letter introducing yourself to me
What am I learning today? Intro to Archetypes in mythology Tuesday, January 8th What am I learning today? Intro to Archetypes in mythology What am I going to do today? Compose a letter introducing yourself to me including your expectations for this English elective. – Due by Friday, 1/13 Finishing watching Ep. 1, start Ep. 2 As you view Heroes Decoded: Jot down 10+ facts that you find the most important With a partner determine the absolute most important 10 facts Join with another partner group and come up with the 7 most vital facts from the video. What will I do to show I learned it? Compose a letter introducing yourself to me due by Friday, 1/13
Wednesday, January 9th What am I learning today? Recognizing Archetypes and the Hero’s Journey in mythology What am I going to do today? Compose a letter introducing yourself to me including your expectations for this English elective. – Due by Friday, 1/13 Finish viewing the Heroes Decoded Ep. 2 from the History Channel as needed. 4 main groups place on butcher paper the 7 most vital facts from the video View Archetypes ppt in preparation for tracking these in Wizard of Oz Begin viewing Wonder Woman tracking archetypes and the hero’s journey (our model for this course) What will I do to show I learned it? Compose a letter introducing yourself to me due by Friday, 1/13 Hero’s Journey (Monomyth) chart and list of archetypes
Thursday, January 10th What am I learning today? Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” What am I going to do today? Compose a letter introducing yourself to me including your expectations for this English elective. – Due by Friday, 1/13 Continue (finish) “Hero’s Journey” model with Wonder Woman Intro myth project 1 – handouts, etc. Choose and read your myth for the project, answering the questions, etc. , so you are ready to work on your PowerPoint tomorrow Undefined pages numbers on handout: Malaya p 128; West Africa p 124; India p 118; China p 107; Brazil p 97; Native American p 121; Japan p 110; Broken Tusk p 103; Mexico p 95 What will I do to show I learned it? Compose a letter introducing yourself to me due by Friday, 1/13
Friday, January 11th What am I learning today? Intro to Greek, Roman and Norse Mythology. What am I going to do today? Compose a letter introducing yourself to me including your expectations for this English elective. – Due on Friday, 1/8 Finish viewing Wonder Woman (if needed) and tracking hero’s journey. Intro myth project 1 – handouts, etc. Choose and read your myth for the project and answer questions. Start planning your presentation, visual aid, etc. Lab tomorrow What will I do to show I learned it? Compose a letter introducing yourself to me due by Friday, 1/8 Phaethon and Aesculaphus 76-79 Apollo and Daphne 118 Admetus and Alcestis 80-82 Hyacinth 73-74