Famous Victorian Scots BY BROOKE STEEL
Alexander Graham Bell Alexander lived from March 3rd 1847 to August 2nd 1922. He died from diabetes. Alexander created the telephone with help by Antonio Meucci. Alexander had 2 daughters and 2 sons named Elsie Bell , Marian Hubbard Bell , Robert Bell and Edward Bell .
John Boyd Dunlop John was born on the 5th February 1840 to the 21st October where he faced his death. He spent most of his career in Ireland . But he was born on a farm in Dreghorn. He had intrests in tyres and how the hold shape. John created the first rubber tyre to fill up with air this is where Dunlop tyres come from
Duncan Cameron Duncan Cameron was born on the 12th of October 1825 till his death on the 19th Feburary 1901. He invented the waverly pen nib In was desinged to make the ink flow more smoothly
John Logie Baird Logie was born on the 14th August 1888 to the 14th June 1946 Logie Invented the telivision He was inspired ever since Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
Neil Arnott Neil was born on the 17th May 1788 to March 2nd 1874. Neil attended Aberdeen Univesity. He received the rumond medal for his work. He invented the stoove
Thomas Telford Thomas Telford was born on the 9th of August 1757 and died on the 2nd of September 1834. He desinged the canal He desinged the Caledonian canal
Robert Stirling Stirling was born on the 25th of October 1790 then died on 1878 on the 6th of June Stirling died at Galston He invented the [Stirling] engine
John Muir QUOTES
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