Converting ATLAS Events Into XML Files Janice Drohan (UCL) JiveXML Converting ATLAS Events Into XML Files Janice Drohan (UCL) 4/03/2004 Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML
Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML Athena Simulation ZEBRA Generators Reconstruction iPatTrack xKalman Moore InDetRec Atlfast Etc. JiveXML MakeXML Atlantis XML File 4/03/2004 Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML
Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML The Future? Athena Simulation ZEBRA Generators Reconstruction iPatTrack xKalman Moore InDetRec Atlfast Etc. JiveXML MakeObjects Atlantis 4/03/2004 Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML
Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML Running JiveXML in 7.0.0 Put the following in your requirements file Use JiveXML JiveXML-* graphics Add following line to end of your jobOptions #include “JiveXML_jobOptions.txt” Edit this file for job specific changes Run athena as normal 4/03/2004 Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML
Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML Running JiveXML in 7.0.0 If you want Atlfast objects uncomment atlfast lines in JiveXML_jobOptions.txt There are some example jobOptions in the JiveXML/share directory 4/03/2004 Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML
Running JiveXML in 7.1.0 and later Recommend using 7.0.* or 8.0.0 when it is out. Notes about other releases: 7.2.0 Trigger Space Points added 7.4.0 Si Hits added (need to use InDetHitZebraCnv) 7.6.0 JiveXML unusable due to EDM/DD and Units Changes 4/03/2004 Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML
Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML Athena Tutorial Get requirements file (see source /afs/ cmt config source cd workDirectory cmt co TestRelease cd TestRelease/TestRelease-00-00-15/cmt cmt broadcast cmt config cmt broadcast gmake cd ../run source $RECEXCOMMONROOT/share/ athena RecExCommon_jobOptions.txt 4/03/2004 Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML
Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML Athena Tutorial 2 To get atlantis xml files add #include “JiveXML_joboptions.txt” to the end of RecExCommon_jobOptions.txt To run on a different set of events change what the link ZEBPA.P points at. 4/03/2004 Atlantis Tutorial - JiveXML