St. Mark’s Parish Investment Session for Parishioners By Joe Alexander
Sessions Agenda Review on Investing Fundamental versus Technical Analysis Material for learning to invest Investing for wealth/income/both Websites
Sample Starter Kit – Flow Chart RRSP Contribution $2000 Tax Rebate $600 Enjoy! ? TFSA Buy GICs & accumulate $1000 $300 $300 Buy Royal Bank stock
Demographics for investing
Fundamentals versus Technical Analysis Fundamentals or Fundies (E)arnings X (M)ultiples = (P)rice of Stock Earnings and growth - increase price of stock Financial Statements Broker Recommendations Technical Analysis Stock price charting Indicators ChartSchool -
Materials for learning Books – e.g. Wealthy Barber Classes Youtube & Websites Live free TD Bank courses Blog – Catching one monkey all the time
Investing for Wealth/Income/Both Investment Planning Time frame Managing multiple accounts Cash/Margin Account – income TFSA – income/wealth RRSP - wealth Personal time & commitments Family, work and time to manage investments Diversification of Portfolio
Websites Bloomberg Catching one monkey all the time ThinkorSwim or Webroker FinWiz
Mini-workshop study of Royal Bank Walkthrough chart Trending and timing purchase & sell Using Indicators to assist price movement Return on growth and income
Royal Bank – 5 year chart
Purchase # of shares Price Total 14-Oct 10 55 $550.00 15-Oct 65 $650.00 16-Oct 70 $700.00 17-Oct 90 $900.00 40 $2,800.00 Average price of Share Current price of 40 Shares $3,880.00 Growth $1,080.00 Income - Dividends $326.40 Profit $1,406.40
Dividend Re-Investment Plans (DRIP) Diversify Invest in DRIP Stocks Save on commissions # of Stocks grow - e.g. Apple, Amazon, Banks, etc Teach children to invest
Fall Sessions Workshop discussions on Financial Planning Group sessions on investing in the stock market Mission: To encourage each other and help the Parish community to become financially independent; caring for people in need.