EST102: 25/10/11: Project Services Website rationalised. EST102 & EST103 Estates Capital System Procurement & Implementation Project Report 27/10/17 R A G Project Sponsor & Business Lead : Anna Stamp & Jane Johnston Business Project Manager: Jane Cameron IS Estates Programme Manager: Derrick Matheson IS Project Manager & BA: Lyn Thomson ACHIEVEMENTS EST102: 04/10/17: All scoring complete for Business & IS question sets and consensus meetings held. EST102: 10/10/17: Cost review meeting held. No further clarifications are required from the 2 lowest scoring vendors. Decision taken to carry out site visits to existing customers and invite for further clarification meetings for the 3 highest scoring vendors. EST102: 25/10/11: Project Services Website rationalised. EST103: 24/10/11: Project Implementation plan updated with feedback from Programme Manager & v0.2 issued. NEXT STEPS EST102: Estates will issue new procurement schedule. Project RAG is green (even though existing schedule is missed) because we expect to complete initial contract award Nov 2017 and final contract award Dec 2017. EST102: Customer Site Visits. EST102: Vendor Clarification Interviews. EST102: Notify Vendors of Decision. EST102: Indicative Contract Award. EST102: 31/10/17: Write up of feedback on questions sets & procurement experience. EST103: 30/10/17: Initiation of project delivery meetings with Estates. EST103: 10/11/17: Prepare Project Brief and rationalise Project Services website. MILESTONES Baseline Actual/ Predicted EST102 ITT Issued 27/07/17 EST102 Responses from Vendors Received 21/08/17 EST102 Notify Vendors of Decision 13/10/17 20/10/17 EST102 Indicative Contract Awarded 24/10/17 31/10/17 EST102 Contract Finalised 17/11/17 24/11/17 EST103 Initial Planning & Project Brief 29/09/17 10/11/17 EST103 Phase 1 DPI – Programme Management May 2018 EST103 Phase 1 DP2 – Cost Management Aug 2018 EST103 Phase 1 DP3 – Portfolio Management Nov 2018 EST103 Phase 2 DP4 – Project Management Jan 2019 RISKS & ISSUES RISK 1: Late completion of procurement will delay implementation: Begin any possible “generic” planning and design in advance of knowing the identity of the application that will be installed to smooth and speed the implementation. RISK 2: Too much change happening at the same time in Estates limiting the availability of Estates Resource at the right time: Good governance and stakeholder management. RISK 3: Unable to recruit new staff into Estates in time to support the new operating model which is required to successfully transition to the new application: Working on TOM, roles & responsibilities matrix leading to gap analysis to identify existing colleagues that can cover the work were possible. RISK 4: Existing data will not be of required quality to migrate to the new system: Thorough data analysis exercise supported by 3rd party experience, early start to data cleansing, clear plan for cut-over. RISK 5: Technical Integrations may be more extensive & difficult than expected: work with identified third party supplier as early as possible to understand the number of integrations required and options. Set expectations with the business. RISK 6: 3rd party risks – cultural, relationship, availability: Full OJEU procurement exercise (EST102) and contract, Support agreement, Hosting agreement, focus on experience of 3rd party team during the procurement cycle.