Welcome to our School Council Worship 19/11/18 Every time we hear ‘Choose Respect’ we are going to say it together.
School Council Role Play ‘Little Miss Rude’ How did the rude person make everyone feel?
School Council Role Play ‘Mr Kind’ How did the kind person make everyone feel?
Today we are looking at what respect means. Little Miss Rude showed a lack of respect, whereas the Mr kind showed everyone a great deal of respect.
What does respect mean to you? The definition of respect, is to: ‘have due regard for (someone’s feelings, wishes, or rights)’
What does respect mean to you? In everyday life we can CHOOSE to be rude or show people with respect. If we choose the rude way then we will make people feel... sad, unhappy, alone. This could be bullying and unkindness to others. Why should we CHOOSE RESPECT?
If we choose kindness and respect we can make people feel like they belong and happy in school. In our school we value each other and it’s important to make the right choices and show respect because we are all children of God and deserve to be treated kindly so CHOOSE RESPECT!
Choose respect because … The Bible tells us… The first story in the Bible tells us that God made people in his own image, because God created people in his image, each of us is special and unique therefore we should CHOOSE RESPECT.
The Bible also tells us… What would Jesus do? He would CHOOSE RESPECT!
In the Bible Jesus tells us ‘Love your neighbour’ in the story of the Good Samaritan. We are all ‘neighbours’ to each other because we are part of God’s family. Therefore we need to: CHOOSE RESPECT!
Our school mission statement is: ‘We are a loving, caring, Christian family, where every individual is valued as a child of God. Therefore we CHOOSE RESPECT!
Let’s sing: Jesus Said
We need 3 volunteer please! 1) What's your name and where do you come from? What sort of things do you like doing? 2) Please choose a smartie, hold it up and and tell us what colour it is. 3) Each of our volunteers looks different, likes different things, but what about on the inside? 4) Now put your chosen colour Smartie in the warm water and shake. 5) Can you hold it up and tell us what has happened?
We are all like different coloured smarties If we can understand that however different people may seem from us, underneath they are really quite similar to us, then that will help us to respect them. Ways of respecting people can include: being kind to others in the playground; sharing equipment during lessons; being friendly to people even if we don't think they have much in common with them.
Can you create your own ‘Smartie’ and show how we are all different on the outside but the same on the inside using 2 circles? The School Council will choose winners from each class. We will make a ‘Choose Respect’ display in the hall. There will be Giant Smarties for the winners .
Please put your hands together for our prayer: Dear God, Help us to show respect to others because we are all your children. In the playground, classroom, dining hall and at home. Help us to understand it does not have to be a big thing. It could be an ‘unseen’ act of kindness that helps someone and shows respect. Just like in our Starfish Story showing respect could make a difference just to one person that day. Amen
Thank you for sharing in our School Council Worship Thank you for sharing in our School Council Worship. Good luck making your Giant Smarties and remember….