Numerator or Denominator Jeopardy Numerator or Denominator Name that Fraction Reduce the Fraction To be or not to be Name that Pie Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Name that Fraction It is the fraction seen here:
$100 Answer from Name that Fraction What is one half?
$200 Question from Name that Fraction It is the fraction seen here:
$200 Answer from Name that Fraction What is two fifths?
$300 Question from Name that Fraction It is the fraction seen here:
$300 Answer from Name that Fraction What is three fourths?
$400 Question from Name that Fraction It is the fraction seen here:
$400 Answer from Name that Fraction What is four fifths?
$500 Question from Name that Fraction It is the fraction seen here:
$500 Answer from Name that Fraction What is three eighths?
$100 Question from Reduce the Fraction
$100 Answer from Reduce the Fraction What is
$200 Question from Reduce the Fraction
$200 Answer from Reduce the Fraction What is
$300 Question from Reduce the Fraction
$300 Answer from Reduce the Fraction What is
$400 Question from Reduce the Fraction
$400 Answer from Reduce the Fraction What is
$500 Question from Reduce the Fraction
$500 Answer from Reduce the Fraction What is
$100 Question from Numerator or Denominator 3 in this fraction:
$100 Answer from Numerator or Denominator What is the numerator?
$200 Question from Numerator or Denominator 6 in this fraction:
$200 Answer from Numerator or Denominator What is the denominator?
$300 Question from Numerator or Denominator 6 in this fraction:
$300 Answer from Numerator or Denominator What is the numerator?
$400 Question from Numerator or Denominator 5 in this fraction:
$400 Answer from Numerator or Denominator What is the numerator?
$500 Question from Numerator or Denominator 5 in this fraction:
$500 Answer from Numerator or Denominator What is the denominator?
$100 Question from To be or not to be and
$100 Answer from To be or not to be What is NOT equivalent?
$200 Question from To be or not to be and
$200 Answer from To be or not to be What is equivalent?
$300 Question from To be or not to be and
$300 Answer from To be or not to be What is equivalent?
$400 Question from To be or not to be and
$400 Answer from To be or not to be What is NOT equivalent?
$500 Question from To be or not to be and
$500 Answer from To be or not to be What is NOT equivalent?
$100 Question from Name that Pie It is the name of the sections of the pie seen here:
$100 Answer from Name that Pie What are fifths?
$200 Question from Name that Pie It is the name of the sections of the pie seen here:
$200 Answer from Name that Pie What are sixths?
$300 Question from Name that Pie It is the name of the sections of the pie seen here:
$300 Answer from Name that Pie What are eighths?
$400 Question from Name that Pie It is the name of the sections of the pie seen here:
$400 Answer from Name that Pie What are tenths?
$500 Question from Name that Pie It is the name of the sections of the pie seen here:
$500 Answer from Name that Pie What are twelfths?
Final Jeopardy This famous astronomer and mathematician established the controversial concept that the Sun is the center of the universe, and not the Earth.
Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Nicolaus Copernicus?