C SC 620 Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing Lecture 6 2/05
Papers Quan-Fu Fan. Learning Lexical Representation for Text Categorization. Fukumoto, F. & Y. Suzuki. NAACL 2001 Workshop Joseph Schlecht. Using Lexical Knowledge to Evaluate the Novelty of Rules Mined from Text. Basu, S. et al. NAACL 2001 Workshop Shauna Eggers. The Informative Role of WordNet in Open-Domain Question Answering. Pasca, M. & S. Harabagiu. NAACL 2001 Workshop Shauna Eggers. Monolingual and bilingual dictionary approaches to the enrichment of the Spanish WordNet with adjectives. Chugur, I. et al. NAACL 2001 Workshop Shauna Eggers. Alignment of Ontologies. WordNet and Goi-Taikei. Asanoma, N. NAACL 2001 Workshop Shauna Eggers. Adapting GermaNet for the Web. Kunze, C. & L. Lemnitzer. First Global WordNet Conference Keith Alcock. Semantic Distance in WordNet: An experimental, application-oriented evaluation of five measures. Budanitsky, A. & G. Hirst. NAACL 2001 Workshop
Papers Hai-Feng He. Manual and Automatic Semantic Annotation with WordNet. Fellbaum, C. et al. NAACL 2001 Workshop Ben Wing. Cross-Linguistic Discovery of Semantic Regularity. Peters, W. et al. First Global WordNet Conference Ben Wing. Visualizing WordNet Structure. Kamps, J. First Global WordNet Conference Ben Wing. A Graphical Tool for Browsing, Searching and Annotating WordNet. Cater, A. First Global WordNet Conference Matt Landis. Words with Attitude. Kamps, J. & M. Marx. First Global WordNet Conference Matt Landis. Integrating Selectional Preferences in WordNet. Agirre, E. & D. Martinez. First Global WordNet Conference Sandy Chow. Semantic Based Text Mining. Manjula, D. et al. First Global WordNet Conference Sandy Chow. Distinguishing Concepts and Instances in WordNet. Alfonseca, E. & S. Manandhar. First Global WordNet Conference
Papers Kael Dai. Lexicons in an Object-Oriented Grammatical Model For Universal Grammar-Based Machine Translation (UGBMT). Sasaki Alam, Y. & S. Alam. First Global WordNet Conference Rabee Ali. Structured Access to Scientific Information. Caracciolo, C. & M de Rijke. First Global WordNet Conference Rabee Ali. Induction of Classification from Lexicon Expansion: Assigning Domain Tags to WordNet Entries. Chang, E. et al. First Global WordNet Conference Rabee Ali. Comparing Ontology-based and Corpus-based Domain Annotations in WordNet. Magnini, B. et al. First Global WordNet Conference Patrick Baker. Chinese Characters and Top Ontology in EuroWordNet. Wong, S.H. & K. Pala. First Global WordNet Conference Patrick Baker. A Tree-structure Solution for the Development of ChineseNet. Yang, L. et al. First Global WordNet Conference Ranjini ???. Word Sense Disambiguation Using Semantic Graph. Unny E, N. & P. Bhattacharyya. First Global WordNet Conference