WELCOME TO and the community. Brought to you by: Presented by Bilton Welding Hosted by CAREERS: The Next Generation In partnership with The Government of Alberta, Red Deer College and the community. Brought to you by: and the community.
Navigate CAREERexpo Get motivated Get Information Stop by The Patch and be inspired by our guests’ experiences Get Information You don’t know what you don’t know. Talk to everyone. Connect with potential mentors and employers Get educated What Post Secondary courses do I need? When can I apply? Need Help? – ASK - Volunteers in blue vests, Info booth, and CAREERS: The Next Generation Booth
Ask Questions Employers… What kind of jobs could I have in this industry? What kind of training would I need? What does a typical day look like at this job? What kind of duties and responsibilities would a person in this job have? Is this job in demand in Alberta now? In 3 to 5 years? What advice would you give to someone thinking of a career in this industry? Post-Secondary… What kind of training do you offer for my chosen career path? What are the top reasons your students would say they attend your institution? In your Plan Your Day handout, there are some questions that you might want to ask.
WHAT’S NEXT? EXPLORE through camps, workshops, job shadows EXPERIENCE a career through a paid internship LEARN get the education you need to succeed
Start Planning Your Future Now!