Maura Kelly Club Maith
Why Club Maith? Encourages best-practice for clubs Covers all areas of club business Bench-marking standard for clubs An achievement in its own right Sharing of knowledge and ideas Sport NI & Irish Sports Council accredited – many benefits particularly regarding funding Stronger clubs = Stronger GAA Club Maith is an accreditation scheme for clubs Encourages best practice by: - detailing what best practice is through policies and procedures - seeking advice on club issues from professionals and tailoring this to GAA clubs needs - offering training for Club Officials (as Sharon has already mentioned) - providing up-to-date information, for example the provision of Clinics for funding opportunities and so on 5 Core Areas - Governance - Duty of Care - Community Enhancement - Scór and Cultural Heritage - Coaching & Games Development 3. Provides opportunities for bench-marking across other GAA clubs through the Club Maith website DISCUSSION BOARD - Also opportunity to compare GAA clubs against other sporting clubs via national governing bodies, and local councils 4. Not every club will win the County Senior Championship – Club Maith gives all clubs the chance to achieve at the highest level. Every club is hugely valuable 5. Through the Club Maith website DISCUSSION BOARD, and the informal GAA communication links 6. A major part of both organisations own club accreditation schemes. Saves clubs having to sign-up to any other schemes. A completed portfolio will have the bones of any FUNDING APPLICATION 7. The bigger picture – we are all here for the love of the GAA. Hence the strength of GAA clubs, and the GAA as an whole. The envy of many sporting organisations across the world
Where we are at 2007 Club Maith was born 2007 – 2008 Six Ulster Clubs were piloted - Eglish St Patricks, Co. Tyrone - Donaghmore St Patricks, Co. Tyrone - Kildress Wolfe Tones, Co. Tyrone - Clonduff GAC, Co. Down - Glenullin, Co. Derry - Clan na Gael Lurgan, Co. Armagh
...where we are at 2008 – 2009 Consultation process finalised 2009 – Club Maith Toolkit launched 2009 – Sport NI & Irish Sport Council accreditation achieved 2009 – Club Maith Portfolio complete 2009 – Club Maith Facilitators sourced and trained NOW IT IS UP TO YOUR CLUB TO REGISTER!
Currently 17 clubs registered and working on their Club Maith Portfolio: - St Josephs Craigbane - Owen Roe O’Neills - Derrygonnelly Harps - Russell Gaelic Union - Maghera Mac Finns - O’Donovan Rossa, Belfast - Ballymachugh GAA - Naomh Eoin, Belfast - St Malachys Edendork - Cardinal O’Donnells, Belfast - St Michaels Killeen - Naomh Pól, Belfast - St Patricks Dromintee - An Mhaigh Tír na nÓg - Beragh Red Knights - Ballybay GFCn - Aodh Ruadh, Ballyshannon
Seven simple steps Visit Club Maith website to download Application Form Submit Application Form to Ulster GAA Download and complete Club Maith Portfolio Submit Portfolio to Ulster GAA Club Visit – co-ordinated by Ulster GAA Feedback and conferment of Club Maith Award by Ulster GAA Award presentation to Club
How good is your club? Platinum- The Ideal Club! Gold- Excellent Club Silver-Good Club Club Maith Portfolio TOTAL = 97 criteria BRONZE: 49 marks SILVER: 49 + 18 Silver marks GOLD: 49 + 18 + 20 Gold marks PLATINUM: Full 97 marks SILVER: Participation in Scór & Scór na nÓg Active promotion of Irish Language Promotion of Young Referees Integrated Club Structure & Committee Website GOLD: Use of GAA email Club History Book / Annual Year Book Registered as a CASC Health & Wellbeing Policy Involvement of ethnic minorities Provision of Club Stewards Bronze-Minimal Standards
Help is on Hand... Club Maith Website Club Maith Toolkit Club Maith Portfolio Ulster GAA staff
Facilitators Wanted!
Now it is over to you! QUESTIONS? Go raibh maith agat