message me on Remind or email Mrs. Hendricks’ Monday Memo 4-1 message me on Remind or email Math –CH. 14-Measurement Units & Conversions (metric measurements) part 2 test will be on Wednesday, 4/3 & CH. 15-Solving Measurement & Data Problems Reading –review of skills, prep for state test/testing vocabulary review Language—study these Greek/Latin roots for quiz TH: 1)bi-two 2)tri-three 3)circum-around 4)flora-flower 5)max-greatest 6)ego-self Science –Human Body MS History–CH. 5-From Territory to Statehood, test will be on Thursday, 4/4 *Math-study Math Moves #29/begin studying your measurement study guide (quiz on all measurements will be on Tuesday, 4/2) /CH. 14 part 2 test will be on Wednesday, 4/3 *4/1-P14-10 *4/2-P15-1 *4/4-P15-3 *Reading-STUDY VOCAB-TEST FRIDAY 4/5 *Language-none *Science –start studying for Human Body Test *MS History–Study for CH.5 Test TH. 4/4 Let’s remember to be kind to each other and keep our conversations appropriate! *4/4-Librarian (Mrs. Berry) Appreciation Day *4/18-Earth Day *4/19-22-Easter Holiday *4/24-Reading State Test *4/25-Writing State Test *4/30-Math State Test *5/3-4th grade field trip to the movies