An Appositive is an expression that explains or identifies a noun or pronoun that comes just before it in a sentence
Elaboration within a Sentence Sentences can be expanded by adding elaboration. Sentences can be combined to provide elaboration. APPOSITIVES, PHRASES, AND CLAUSES. TELL ME MORE. . . Lesson 6 Copyright 2006 Washington OSPI. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2006 Washington OSPI. All rights reserved. Appositives Add information to a single sentence. Lesson 6 Copyright 2006 Washington OSPI. All rights reserved.
Appositives answer the reader’s questions. Mom---Natalya is coming over tonight. Who is Natalya? Natalya, the girl who sits beside me in band, is coming over tonight. Lesson 6 Copyright 2006 Washington OSPI. All rights reserved.
Appositives are set off from the rest of the sentence by commas.
Example: Arnie won the first prize, a trip to Hawaii Example: Arnie won the first prize, a trip to Hawaii. (The appositive, a trip to Hawaii, describes the noun, prize.
Place commas where needed to separate each appositive from the noun it explains.
Add an appositive to a sentence. WHO ? Ms. Ortega, ____________, is my teacher. Ms. Ortega, English teacher in room 7, is my teacher. Crystal Lake, ___________, is my home. Crystal Lake, a lovely town off Interstate 90, is my home. WHERE ? While the appositives are given for these sentences, you may want to have students write different appositives to practice. Lesson 6 Copyright 2006 Washington OSPI. All rights reserved.
Elaborate by adding appositives. Try adding an appositive. My school, ______________, is the best. That lunch, ____________,was the worst. Mrs. Dennis, ____________, helped me find a site on the Internet. My car, __________, is a piece of junk. Lesson 6 Copyright 2006 Washington OSPI. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2006 Washington OSPI. All rights reserved. Some Samples My school, the largest school in our town, is the best. That lunch, liver, onions, and ketchup, was the worst. Mrs. Dennis, our new librarian , helped me find a site on the Internet. My car, an ancient jalopy inherited from my brother, is a piece of junk. Lesson 6 Copyright 2006 Washington OSPI. All rights reserved.
Combine sentences to form an appositive. We can combine the two following sentences into one power-packed sentence and delete unnecessary words. John plays varsity basketball for the Springfield Hurricanes basketball team. He is a senior and the point guard for his team. John, the senior point guard, plays basketball for the Springfield Hurricanes. Lesson 6 Copyright 2006 Washington OSPI. All rights reserved.