Addressed Ad mail by audience How different audiences interact with Addressed Ad mail Q3 2018 Copyright JICMAIL
Defining Addressed Ad mail Mail that is categorised as advertising mail is always an addressed piece of mail, addressed to an individual. We do ask panelists to capture Magazines, Local Directories, Free Papers and parcels but the figures for these items of mail are not included in the final JICMAIL data. Door drops are classified separately to acknowledge that their targeting and metrics are different. Letter addressed to me An item of mail addressed to an individual in the household Letter addressed to someone else in the household Letter addressed to “householder” or “occupier” Letter for someone else who doesn’t live here Leaflet / flyer or other mail with an address Catalogue addressed to me or someone else in the household © JICMAIL
Addressed Ad mail content Information about products / services Addressed Ad mail must contain any of the following elements on the left. Panelists can select all the options that apply so a piece of Addressed Ad mail can contain information about products / services but it may also contain a special offer or discount. Information about local services An item of mail addressed to an individual in the household containing any of these items Information about entertainment or activities Invitation / information about a specific event Special offers or discounts Vouchers / coupons Request for a donation Sender’s contact details (e.g. web site, phone number) Political content Postal reply © JICMAIL
Key stats for Addressed Ad mail What are the key characteristics of people interacting with Addressed Ad mail? © JICMAIL
Exposure © JICMAIL
Who is exposed to Addressed Ad mail by age? Those aged 55+ index higher against exposure to mail than 35 to 54s and under 35’s. Addressed Ad mail profile Index by age (100 = average person exposed to mail) © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Who is exposed to Addressed Ad mail by gender? Women over-index by 21 points to exposure to mail, men under- index by 22 points. Addressed Ad mail profile Index by gender (100 = average person exposed to mail) © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Who is exposed to Addressed Ad mail by social grade? DE’s have the highest exposure to mail of all social grades. Addressed Ad mail profile Index by social grade (100 = average person exposed to mail) © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Who is exposed to Addressed Ad mail by region? The highest exposure is in the North East, Meridian West & HTV West Addressed Ad mail profile Index by region (100 = average person exposed to mail) © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Frequency © JICMAIL
Frequency of exposure to addressed mail by age Frequency of exposure is highest amongst the 35-54 year old age group. © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Frequency of exposure to addressed mail by gender Women are more likely to return to interact with mail more often. © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Frequency for Addressed Ad mail by social grade Highest exposure to mail is among C2, DE social grades. © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Frequency for Addressed Ad mail by region Frequency for Addressed Ad mail is highest in South East and Meridian South © JICMAIL Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Exposure and frequency to different business sectors © JICMAIL
Exposure by sector for Addressed Ad mail by gender Women are more likely to be exposed to Retail, Charity and Mail Order/Online Retail whereas men are most likely to be political, automotive and financial services communications. For a full definition of sectors see slide 23. (100 = average person exposed to mail) Profile index Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Exposure by sector for Addressed Ad mail by age The over 55s index highest for Leisure and Charity messages. 35 to 54 year-olds are highest for Mail Order and Grocery. For a full definition of sectors see slide 23. (100 = average person exposed to mail) Profile index Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Frequency by sector for Addressed Ad mail by gender Women may be more likely to be exposed to ad mail overall, but there are a range of categories where mean are interacting with mail more For a full definition of sectors see slide 23. Frequency Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
Frequency by sector for Addressed Ad mail by age Frequency for the sectors for mail shows a very consistent pattern across the different age groups. For a full definition of sectors see slide 23. Frequency Source: JICMAIL Audience Data Q4 2017 to Q3 2018, Kantar TNS, 2018 Base: Addressed Advertising Mail Audience Sample n=10,706
JICMAIL 70 Margaret Street London W1W 8SS www.JICMAIL.org.uk Copyright JICMAIL
Defining the business sectors Our methodology The sectors for mail were developed with the consumers filling in the diary in mind. Four waves of testing helped to define sectors that panelists would understand and not based on out-dated standard industry classifications. These classifications have been shortened for the purposes of charts within this presentation. We do not capture any items categorised as being from Family member or friend, Employer, Other or Didn’t Open or Read. SENDER CATEGORIES TV / Broadband / Landline / Mobile Utilities Provider (Gas / Water / Electric) Financial and Insurance Services Letting or Estate Agent Local Tradesperson Car Dealer / Manufacturer Restaurant or Takeaway Supermarket or Grocery Store Retailer (e.g. Clothing / Household / Electrical, etc) Mail Order / Online Retailer Travel / Tourism / Attractions Magazine / Newspaper / Publisher Medical (NHS / Dental / Private Healthcare / Chemist / Optical) Government / Council Charity Religious Organisation Political Party SUMMARY Telco Utility Financial Services Letting / Estate Agent Tradesperson Automotive Restaurant / Takeaway Grocery Retail Mail Order / Online Retail Leisure Magazine / Newspaper Medical Government / Council Charity Religious Political = © JICMAIL