INTEGRATED SYSTEM: ELEMENTS PHASE 1: -Landfill for nonhazardous waste ‘Sadinata’ and a waste water treatment plant -Installation for biological treatment of green and bio waste – ‘Khan Bogrov’ -Pilot project for separate waste collection in two regions of Sofia – ‘Ovcha Kupel’ and ‘Kremikovtsi’ PHASE 2: -Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant with production of RDF-fuel PHASE 3: -WtE Installation for cogeneration and waste recovery with RDF-fuel (RDF fired CHP plant)
PHASE 1 : INSTALLATION FOR BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF GREEN AND BIO WASTE – ‘KHAN BOGROV’ In January 2014 the Installations for biological treatment of green and bio-waste was put in operation – producing compost and electricity from waste. All green waste from the maintenance of the green system of Sofia Municipality is treated– branches, trees, grass, leaves collected from parks and public gardens along with food-waste from municipal institutions, kindergartens, restaurants (598 sites from 2017 г.). For 2017: 8558 t bio waste treated 13927 t green waste treated 2109 MWh electricity produced In 2014 those installations are first of a kind in Bulgaria.
PHASE 2: MECHANICAL-BIOLOGICAL WASTE TREATMENT PLANT WITH PRODUCTION OF RDF-FUEL In September 2015 the Mechanical-Biological waste treatment plant was put in operation and as of 2016 it treats all domestic waste of Sofia Municipality. The average volume of mixed domestic solid waste in SM is 1200 t/daily. WASTE TREATMENT PROCESSING: Reception and initial separation of hazardous waste and bulky waste; Optical and mechanical treatment aiming complete separation of recyclables – metal, different plastics, cardboards, glass; Biological treatment, biological drying and production of high-quality RDF-fuel The whole treatment process is completely automatized and controlled in real time through an integrated monitoring and a system for data base collection (SCADA).
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ABOUT THE INSTALLATION: RDF fired CHP plant The Installation completes the Integrated System for waste treatment. The construction of the Installation is planed back in 2012 under the EU decision for the financial grants of Phase 2 – the Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant. The planning of the WtE Installation is done by the Danish company Ramboll A/S with the support of EIB and EBRD. With that project Sofia is applying for financial grants from the European Commission. The technology chosen for the realization of the Project is in full compliance with BAT, which are the only ones to be financed by the Operational EU Programmes. Expected year for putting in operation: 2023
PROCESSING WASTE-TO-ENERGY Content slide, two columns with image. Image size: 11,36 cm x 10,68 cm or 429 x 404 pixels
BURNING TECHNOLOGY CHOSEN CONCEPT AND KEY ARGUMENTS Moving grate (robust and most proven) Horizontal boiler (better H&S and more power) 60 bar & 425 ºC Steam (power performance) Semi-Wet FGT with condensation (simple, robust and low emissions) SNCR DeNOX (low power consumption) CHP production (higher power production) Heat storage tank (higher avoided gas usage) Energy Production: 21 MW power + 55 MW heat Energy efficiency: 94% 14
BENEFITS OF THE CHOSEN TECHNOLOGY Modern incineration technology Above 450 plants in Europe in operation and 20-30 plants are under construction More than 2000 plants in operation worldwide By far the most applied technology worldwide In Denmark alone 3 similar plants have been commissioned in the last 5 years. Combined heat & power production with flue gas condensation gives very high energy efficiency
FLUE GAS TREATMENT FLUE GAS TREATMENT CONCEPTS REVIEWED Dry systems Dry, lime based Dry, bi-carbonate based Semidry/-wet systems Semi-dry, lime based Semi-wet, lime based Wet flue gas treatment NOx reduction approaches: Selective Non Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Consultant conclusions: Semi wet, lime based + SNCR are best Best economical and financial solution Emission levels considerably better than emission limits Robust and still simple to operate Expected emission far below European emission limits (IED)
KEY ENERGY BENEFITS Project will produce power and heat ensuring a very high energy efficiency (total efficiency of 94 %) Heat from project pushes heat from gas consuming units up in the heat off-take curve The project will reduce Toplofikacia’s use of natural gas by 65 mill. Nm3 per year The project will increase Toplofikacia’s power production by 30.000 MWh/y Gas-HOB Gas-HOB Gas-CHP Gas-CHP RDF-CHP
SITE SELECTION 4+1 possible sites have been compared At TTP Sofia At the existing MBT plant TTP Sofia is preferred due to: The MBT plant site would require a new 21 km DH line: Additional investment of about ~ 21 M€ Additional cost of heat loss and pump energy ~ 4 M€/y Relatively low additional transport cost of the RDF to the CHP plant ~ 0.2 M€/y Risk of delay to project in the case of the MBT site (land needs status change etc.) Synergy possibilities when the plant is located next to Toplofikacia’s existing facilities.
MAIN ADVANTAGES OF THE INSTALLATION Less than 10% of landfill disposal Lowers PM10 emissions from TTP Sofia with 6.2 t/y (9.6%) Lowers CO emissions with 87,2 t/y (7%). Generates 58 MW heating energy for 40 000 households Generates 20 MW electricity for 30 000 households High technological standards and upmost level of security Replacement of the older generators from the TTP Sofia
FINANCIAL ADVANTAGES AND SAVINGS Savings up to 17 000 000 lv/ y from landfill disposal taxes which are expected to reach 95 lv/t in 2020 Natural gas savings up to 65 000 000 Nm3. Savings between 15 and 18 000 000 euro from natural gas, replaced by the RDF-fuel Savings from additional payments to cement plants – 5 000 000 – 10 000 000 lv/y IF THE WtE INSTALLATION WAS ALREADY OPERATIONAL, TODAY THE PRICE FOR CENTRAL HEATING WOULD BE LOWER BY 6 % (with all market variables incl).
FINANCIAL PARAMTERES OF THE PROJECT Indicative investment cost of the project – 157 000 000 € OPE funds (EU + national cofunding) – 91 813 153 € SM financial contribution (incl. EIB loan) – 65 724 858 € EIB loan – 67 000 000 € with the following parameters: Duration: 19 years Grace period: 4 years Borrowing rate: 1.5% Payment tranches: 5 tranches between 5 000 000 – 15 000 000 €