6-2: Organization of the Bureaucracy
Big Idea: Competing Policymaking Interests Enduring Understanding: The federal bureaucracy is a powerful institution implementing federal policies with sometimes questionable accountability. Learning Objective: Explain how the bureaucracy carries out the responsibilities of the federal government.
Bureaucratic Agencies Cabinet Departments Headed by cabinet secretaries Independent Executive Agencies Most non-cabinet departments NASA NSF EPA CIA
Bureaucratic Agencies Regulatory Agencies Protect the public by regulating the economy Led by small commissions Terms overlap presidencies Cannot be removed by presidents More isolated from political pressure Subject to congressional oversight Federal Reserve Board Monetary policy Setting interest rates Regulating money supply Adjusting bank reserves SEC FTC NLRB
Bureaucratic Agencies Government Corporations Provide vital services Could potentially be provided by private sector Bank of the United States (historic) Tennessee Valley Authority Corporation for Public Broadcasting Amtrak U.S. Postal Service Often subsidized by Congress Privatization?