Fad Diets and Weight Loss Im just one stomach flu away from my goal weight. -Emily in The Devil Wears Prada-
A Tempting Choice… Have you ever been on a diet? Why did you choose that particular plan? Quick results. Drastic weight loss. Eat all you want. Flashy, slick advertising campaigns.
Lasting Results? Were you able to keep the weight off? Why or why not? –Unrealistic or strictly limited food choices –Too low in calories –Too expensive –Foods that are unappealing –Too time-consuming
Youve Fallen For… The FAD DIET!
Warning Signs Magic or Miracle foods Rapid weight loss No exercise Quantities and Limitations Specific food combinations Strict menus
Carbohydrates… Friend or Foe? Friend!! Carbohydrate myths: –Appetite stimulant –Addictive Carbohydrate facts: –Whole grains provide fiber and keep you fuller longer –Brain uses carbohydrates as its fuel
High Protein Hype Promotes dehydration Leads to ketosis –Altering electrolytes –Leaching calcium from bone –Causing fatigue, nausea, and bad breath –Eventually harming the kidneys High in saturated fat, low in many vitamins
Lets Get Real! Fad diets arent realistic to follow long-term. Promote a vicious circle of yo-yo weight loss and gain. The healthiest way to lose weight is to exercise and eat a variety of healthy foods.
Balancing Scale The key to weight loss…. Burn more calories than you take in! Calories In Calories Out
Balancing Scale The key to weight maintenance Calories Out
Weight Maintenance Tips Continuing to maintain a low calorie, low fat diet while doing high levels of activity –78% eat breakfast daily –75% weigh themselves at least once per week –62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week –90% exercise, on average, about 1 hour per day
Think Lifestyle Change A sound approach for losing weight. Set realistic and specific goals. Then make small, gradual changes. Practical weight loss plans aim for losing ½ to 1 pound per week. Dont think of it as a temporary diet.
Signs of a Healthy Diet Moderate rate of weight loss: ½ to 1 pound per week Flexible: –Everything in Moderation –Provide guidelines for healthy eating anywhere Includes a variety of foods including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats and low-fat dairy products.
More Goals for Good Health Follow portion sizes. Exercise regularly: minutes, 4-6 times per week. Be more physically active each day: park farther away from the door, take the stairs, get a pedometer.
Keep It Simple Well-planned, simple, and SMART lifestyle changes are the proven approach to losing weight & staying healthy. Drastic fad diets are only going to continue the vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.