The Writing Lab @ Algoma University Dr. Carmella Coccimiglio, Instructor [WritingLabInfo.pptx]
What Is It? Free service Any discipline of study Qualified writing instructor Improve the writing skills to be successful at the university level Individual writing consultations by appointment
Where Can I Find It? WW 201B, on the second floor of the Wishart Library Contact Dr. Carmella Coccimiglio at or call 705-949-2301 ext. 4226 Only open during office hours
When Is It Open? Mondays 9-10:30 Tuesdays-Thursdays 9-11:30 Fridays and weekends closed *students should check the booking site for any schedule changes Students can access writing-related resources on the Writing Lab’s CMS page as well (key: writing). Full details about the Lab’s policies are available on CMS and on Lab pamphlets around the AU campus (library circulation desk, etc.).
WRITING LAB Office: WW201 B (Library, 2nd floor) Dr. Carmella Coccimiglio, Instructor Office hours for Spring, 2018 Mondays 9-10:30 Tuesdays-Thursdays 9-11:30 Fridays and weekends closed Students should check the booking site for any schedule changes. Full details about the Lab’s policies are available on CMS and on Lab pamphlets around the AU campus (library circulation desk, etc.). Office: WW201 B (Library, 2nd floor) Email: Visit the Writing Lab on CMS (enrolment key: writing)
What Does the Instructor Do? The Instructor works individually with students to help them develop the planning, organizing, writing, and revising skills needed for academic papers in any discipline. Suggestions for writing development Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation Drafts Documentation, citation, and research skills Logic and coherency APA, ASA, MLA, Chicago, and other citation styles
What Does the Instructor Not Do? Will not write your papers, proofread them, edit them, or guarantee a specific grade for you Will not be responsible for changes, edits, and revisions to student’s submitted work—that is the student’s responsibility
Booking an Appointment Students are permitted to make two 30-minute appointments in advance. The Instructor will recommend follow-up appointments as needed. Go to Choose the Writing/Math Labs link and do the following:
Select the date and time you want. Enter student webmail ID and password. Fill in the form: First and last names The course code (ex. ENGL 1801 A or B) Algoma University webmail email address on the booking information page. *Please note: the Instructor will only contact students through webmail. Click the “Save” button on the bottom of the booking information page so the appointment will be saved. If you want to change or cancel your appointment: Follow steps 1 and 2. When the booking information page opens, scroll to the bottom and select Edit or Cancel Entry.
Get the most from Academic Support Services at Algoma U! Writing Lab Help Learning Centre Help Are you concerned with the overall cohesiveness and clarity of your assignment? Do you want to focus on sentence clarity? Are you wondering if you referenced (MLA, APA, Chicago, ASA) properly? Do you have trouble with grammar and punctuation? ...visit Writing Lab Instructor Dr. Dr. Camella Coccimiglio Are you feeling overwhelmed and unable to complete course work on time? Do you want to learn how to read, note-take, and summarize textbooks and articles effectively? Do you want to focus better when studying? Do you want help preparing for an upcoming presentation? ...then visit Learning Strategist Raquel Lehto in the Learning Centre. For more information, visit the Writing Lab on CMS (key: writing)