Pre-Biology and Biology II Welcome! Pre-Biology and Biology II 2015-2016
Mrs. Misty Byrd My Family
Contact Email - Website - (go to website, click on Faculty, then click on Misty Byrd Website will be updated with important information: calendars, powerpoints, announcements, assignments.
Class Rules RESPECT!! Work Hard Follow directions Come Prepared Participate Speak only with permission Follow directions Restroom before/after class No Cell Phones
Consequences 1st Offense- Warning 2nd Offense- Morning Detention and Parent Contact 3rd Offense- Morning Detention and Parent Contact 4th Offense- Office Referral
Computer Rules Do not have computers out unless instructed to do so. Computers will be used for educational purposes during my class. No surfing the web, playing games, etc. unless instructed Do not IChat, Facebook, Tweet, IM, or Instagram during class. Do not video or take pictures of your classmates or me during class without written permission. If any of the rules are broken, the following consequences will be applied.
Consequences 1st Offense- Warning 2nd Offense- Morning Detention and Parent Contact 3rd Offense- Morning Detention, Parent Contact and Loss of Computer Privileges for 1 class period 4th Offense- Office Referral, Parent Contact and Loss of Computer Privileges for a Week 5th Offense- Office Referral, Parent Contact and Loss of Computer Privileges (amount of time will be decided by administration)
Policies & Procedures
Bellringer A “Bellringer” will be given each day Consists of a worksheet or questions/activity Start bellringer immediately upon entering Bellringer will either be part of the discussion or taken up for grading.
Learners Logs There will be a journal assignment each day, in which you will list 3 things that you learned and 3 things that could be covered more. This will be required in the last 5 minutes of class time.
Extra Help Get extra help when you need it. I am available before school from 7:30 to 7:50, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and after school by appointment.
Attendance/Absences Not all material is in the textbook. Missing class means missing information. You need to attend class to succeed!
Make-up Work You are responsible for make-up work. Check the provided information in the missed work folder, with me, my website, and other students, so you do not fall behind. Late work will be penalized 20% for each day it is late. If you miss a test or quiz, you must arrange to make it up before school or after school. No make up work will be done during class.
Course Policies Grading Policy: 40% Formative and 60% Summative Class will consist of homework, classwork, quizzes, tests, and projects each semester. Homework and Classwork will be averaged for 1 formative grade Quizzes will be individual formatives and Tests will be individual summatives Grades can be found in Powerschool