Greek and Latin Roots Week 9
pas/path Meaning: feeling; disease; suffering Examples: apathy indifference pathogen Agent that causes disease
pel/puls Meaning: drive; urge Examples: pulsate repellant Beat; to vibrate repellant Something that repels or drives back
Word Associations Which word goes with germ? Which word goes with “lack of interest”? Which word goes with “to push away”? Which word goes with pound?
pet Meaning: request Examples: petition petulant A request to a superior authority petulant Easily irritated
phon Meaning: sound; voice Examples: phonic cacophony Relating to sound cacophony Unpleasant noise
Word Associations Which word goes with audio? Which word goes with “to ask of something”? Which word goes with “a harsh noise”? Which word goes with easily bothered?
pict Meaning: paint Examples: depict pictograph Represent in a picture A picture that represents a word or idea
plac Meaning: please Examples: placid placebo calm Something given to please or quiet
Word Associations Which word goes with a fake pill? Which word goes with easy-going? Which word goes with hieroglyphs? Which word goes with illustrate?
port Meaning: carry; gate Examples: portal portable An entrance or gate portable Able to be carried easily
put/putat Meaning: think; calculate Examples: reputation compute State of being held in high esteem compute Determine an amount or number
Word Associations Which word goes with fame? Which word goes with a passage? Which word goes with “take along”? Which word goes with calculate?
quer/quis Meaning: seek Examples: query question requisite required
rect Meaning: straight Examples: erect rectilinear Fix in an upright position rectilinear Bounded by straight lines
Word Associations Which word goes with “a condition”? Which word goes with elevated? Which word goes with rectangular? Which word goes with inquiry?