Vocabulary List #6 English IV
1. atrophy (noun) The wasting away of the body, its organs or tissue
2. aversion A strong dislike or repugnance for (something or someone) (noun) A strong dislike or repugnance for (something or someone)
3. equivocate (verb) To speak ambiguously
4. esoteric Intended for or understood by only a small group of people (adjective) Intended for or understood by only a small group of people
5. Eulogy (noun) A speech or written tribute praising a person or thing, especially one who has died
6. obtrusive (adjective) Intruding and offensive
7. officious (adjective) To be so excessively forward in offering one’s services that one becomes annoying
8. onomatopoeia (noun) The use or sound of a word that imitates or resembles what is stands for or describes
9. overt (adjective) Not hidden or concealed; open; obvious
10. scrupulous (adjective) Conscientious; attentive to details