Grade 8: The Story of the Church Lesson 2.5 Our help is in the name of the Lord Who made Heaven and Earth!
Nicene Creed I believe in one God, ..., maker …., of all ….. For our sake ..., he suffered ..., and rose .... He ascended ... He will come ... and his kingdom… I believe in ... who proceeds ..., who with ..., who has ... I confess ... and I ... and the life ... Amen. Nicene Creed I believe in one God, ..., maker …., of all ….. I believe in ...., the Only ..., born .... God from ..., begotten, ...; Through him … For us …., and by the Holy Spirit ...
Our Lessons Continue... Ch. 5--Church Councils and Heresy Ch. 6--East and Western Rites Ch. 7--The Church and the Empire
LITURGY -- East and West Church Fathers & Councils → defined WHAT we believe How we PRAY (lex orandi) relates to what we BELIEVE (lex credendi) EX: the “orans” posture at Mass represents… Liturgy = Church’s official, public worship (Mass, Liturgy of Hours, Sacraments) Devotion = private prayers and worship (Rosary, devotions to saints) Ritual/Rites = formal ceremony with rules Empire split & Church grew → two ritual traditions developed WEST: based in Rome -- Latin Rite EAST: based in Constantinople -- Byzantine Rites Orans=Latin for “praying”--priest is offering prays for the whole community--arms open to envelope all and raise prayers to God
Click on the picture to get to the Creed document
Eucharistic Celebrations (pg. 74-75) Early Church WESTERN / LATIN RITES EASTERN / BYZANTINE RITES