Olympic Games
The Olympic games are known as the worlds greatest international sports games. The Olympic idea means friendship and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 776 BC in Greece.
The Olympic Games took place every four years The Olympic Games took place every four years. They included different kinds of sports: running, boxing, wrestling and many others. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped. So the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.
These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honor of the God, Zeus at the place called Mount Olympus.
The games were for men only The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden even to attend the Olympics. Women were allowed to participate in the Olympic Games in 1900 in Paris, in France.
The revival of the Olympic idea In 394 AD the Games were abolished .Thanks to Baron Pierre de Coubertin the modern Olympic Games took place in Greece in 1896.
The Olympic flag. It has been the symbol of the Olympic Games since 1920.
The Emblem Five interlocked rings of blue, black, red, yellow and green colours symbolize the five continents united into the Olympic movement. The blue ring symbolizes Europe, the black ring – Africa, the red ring – America, the yellow ring – Asia, the green ring – Australia. This symbol was designed in 1912.
The Olympic flame is the traditional attribute of the Olympic Games The Olympic flame is the traditional attribute of the Olympic Games. As a symbol of peace among people, the flame represents the basic spiritual significance of this classic competition.
The Olympic motto is «Citius, altius, fortius» The Olympic motto is «Citius, altius, fortius». These Latin words mean: «Faster, higher, stronger».
The Olympic Creed The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part.The Olympic Creed appeared in 1908.
The mascot of the Olympic Games is an animal or a toy that represents the country where the Games are held. The mascots of the Olympic Games 2014 A White Bear A White Hare A Snow Leopard
TEST 1.The Ancient Olympic Games were made a part of the religious festival in the honour of which mythological deity? A) Heracles B) Perseus C) Eros D) Zues
2.The Ancient Games were first held in 1) Italy 3) Greece 2) Germany 4) Spain 3.The first of the Modern Olympic Games were held in 1) London 3) Rome 2) Barcelona 4) Athens
4.The first of the Modern Olympic Games were held in 1) 1876 3) 1906 2) 1896 4) 1916 5.The Olympic Games are held every 1) 2 years 3) 6 years 2) 4 years 4) 8 years
6.The Olympic symbol is 1) 4 interlaced squares 2) 5 interlaced rings 3) 3 blue stars
7.What is the meaning of the Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius? A) Higher, Stronger, Faster B) Faster, Higher, Stronger C) Braver, Faster, Higher D) Stronger, Braver, Faster
8.Who designed the Olympic Flag? A) L. Aemilius Cato B) Pierre de Coubertin C) Apollo D) Coroebus
9.When were women allowed to participate in the Olympic games? B) 1912 C) 1924 D) 1908
10.When was the Olympic flag raised for the first time? B) 1920 C) 1924 D) 1932
11.What are the mascots of the Olympic Games? A) Flowers B) Animals C) Plants D) Toys
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