THE SEVEN TRUMPETS First Trumpet Hail and fire mixed with blood (8:7) Partial judgement begun One third of earth burned up God looking for repentance See 9:20-21
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Second Trumpet Great burning mountain was thrown into the sea (8:8-9) Fall of great government has begun Used for God’s judgement on governments (Jer. 51:25) One third of sea turned to blood (Partial judgement)
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Third Trumpet Great star fell from heaven (8:10-11) Judgement of Roman leaders who lead the way into idolatry and injustice Similar imagery (Isa. 24:21-22; 34:4) Wormwood: Used to refer to the results of idolatry and injustice. Injustice (Deut. 29:18; Jer. 9:15; 23:15) Injustice (Amos 5:7; 6:12)
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Fourth Trumpet Third of sun, moon, and star darkened (8:12-13) Judgement is in God’s control Similar imagery (Amos 8:9; Joel 2:28-32) Warning given for the last three trumpets Three woes
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Fifth Trumpet First woe - Star fallen from heaven given key to the bottomless pit (9:1-12) Internal destructive force Fifth Trumpet Bottomless pit Place of Satan, demons, & place Satan is bound for 1,000 years (Lk. 8:31; Rev. 17:8, 11; 20:1-3) Satan, the source of persecution Only able to hurt those without God’s seal Destroyer - leaders of Rome bring internal destruction
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Sixth Trumpet Second woe - Release of the four angels who bound the Euphrates River (9:13-21) External destructive forces Kill a third of mankind - partial Those who were not killed did not repent Purpose of partial judgement was to bring repentance
STRONG ANGEL’S OATH Rev. 10:1-7 Meaning of angel’s oath Mystery of God is finished God’s plan of redemption not defeated by Satan as Christian triumph through persecution Angel Feet on sea and land represent authority of his message to the world
THE LITTLE BOOK Rev. 10:8-11 Meaning of eating the little book John must continue to prophesy Sweet prophecy to the saved Bitter prophecy to the lost Identity of the book Remaining prophesies of Revelation Some suggest New Testament
MEASURING OF TEMPLE Rev. 11:1-2 Meaning of measuring of temple, its contents, and worshippers God knows His people and will be with them through the persecution Temple - God’s presence Alter - Sacrifice of God’s people Worshippers - Saved Outside court not measured Given to the nations Christians are secure in God Persecution will still be present
TWO WITNESSES Rev. 11:3-14 Meaning of two witnesses God uses the church as a strong testimony to Christ during persecution Times of witnessing Apostolic age (11:3-6) Witness could not be destroyed Time of persecution (11:7-10) Beast from the abyss for 42 months Time of victory Resurrection of witnesses Christianity overcomes persecution
THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Seventh Trumpet Third woe - Kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and Christ (11:15-19) Rule of God and Christ have triumphed over the world Christians remained faithful Witnesses overcame Those who fear God will receive their reward