How do we use the word soul? Write down three examples of when you would use the word ‘soul’ in a sentence.
Dawkins and the rejection of the soul
Learning outcomes To understand Richard Dawkin’s rejection of the Christian idea of the soul. To be able to explain his concept of soul 1 and 2.
What does Dawkins think of the soul? ‘ In the sense of Soul One, science has either killed the soul or is in the process of doing so. Probably within the next century, Soul One will finally be killed, and good riddance. But in the process, Soul Two, far from being destroyed, will still be finding new worlds to conquer’ -Richard Dawkins (Debate with Stephen pinker) Task: Write what you think he means by this in your books.
Soul One and Soul Two Dawkins is a materialist and therefore believes we are purely a product of genes. He believed the soul was invented to fill the gap in the explanation of consciousness (qualia). He believes that science is in the process of finding an explanation for consciousness. He believes that this will killed the traditional idea of the soul (soul one).
Soul 1 and Soul 2 Dawkins rejects any idea of the soul in a religious or platonic sense (Soul 1). But we can still talk about the soul in a symbolic way Soul 2). Soul one: the traditional view of the soul which is a separate spiritual thing that contains personality. Soul two: Oxford Dictionary ‘intellectual power or higher development of mental faculties’. Dawkins says we can use this term as a way of describing ourselves (not as a separate thing though).
Why does Dawkins think this? Read through the article and pick 5 sentences that you think explain why Dawkin's rejection the Platonic idea of the soul. Write them in your book. Be prepared to share all five with the class. Next steps: Research Dawkin’s term ‘meme’. How does it fit into this view? Stretch yourself: Find 5 interesting quotes from his book the ‘Selfish Gene’.
Dawkins’ thinking on the Soul Answer these there questions, in detail, in your books: Explain what Dawkins says about the soul. Is Dawkins’ thinking closer to that of Plato’s or Aristotle’s concept of the soul. Do you agree with Dawkins’? Why? Next steps: Research Dawkins’ term ‘meme’. How does it fit into this view?
If these are the answers what are the question? The selfish gene Soul one Mythical Consciousness
Homework Research Dawkin’s term ‘meme’. How does it fit into this view? Write the definition in your book.