SC Performance Tasks Assessment


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Presentation transcript:

SC Performance Tasks Assessment Carolinian Consultancy Test Administrators 2018 Administration Form B

Topics for Discussion What’s New Performance Tasks Assessment Structure Student Eligibility Procedures Prior to Test Administration Procedures During Test Administration Procedures After Test Administration

What’s New for 2018! Reasons for students not tested on pre-coded labels. 2. New procedures for hand code students. 3. Use of scrap paper during testing. 4. Procedures for Large Print materials. 5. Test administrators should use the Comment Sheet in Appendix C of the TAM.

STUDENT ELIGIBILITY TO TAKE PERFORMANCE TASKS For eligibility requirements, refer to the GT Handbook or the PTC Handbook on the C2 website ( Student with required standard on aptitude (Dimension A) or achievement (Dimension B), but not both, takes the PTA (Dimension C) Students may take primary and intermediate levels of the test more than once as the form changes each year!! Dimension A: aptitude 93rd or better on national age percentile on nationally normed test on at least one of the subtests 96th national age percentile on the composite score automatically qualifies student for placement Dimension B: achievement At least 94th percentile on nationally normed test on either reading or math or top 10% of statewide achievement tests in ELA or Math

PERFORMANCE TASKS ASSESSMENT STRUCTURE Two Levels and Two Domains PRIMARY for students entering grades 3 or 4 INTERMEDIATE for students entering grades 5 or 6 VERBAL: 5 items for Primary and Intermediate NONVERBAL: 5 items for Primary and 7 items for Intermediate

Performance Tasks Assessment Structure: Important Features Use of manipulatives Low socio- economic and minority students display stronger performance with the use of manipulatives. Fewer items Items that test for reasoning and problem solving within a domain to probe a student’s ability to respond to complex task demands. Pre-teaching Providing instructions for the task so students know what they are expected to do even if they have not been previously exposed to the requirements of the task.

Procedures Prior to Test Administration: MATERIALS SHIPMENT: WHAT’S INCLUDED Test Administration Manuals (TAMs) with security checklists and Test Administrator Checklist Return shipping label(s) for more than 6 TAMs Performance Tasks Contact Checklist District Administration Procedures (DAP) Student Labels Manipulatives (if needed) NOTE: Student test booklets will be shipped in February.

PLEASE NOTE After Test Administrators attend training, they must sign the Agreement to Maintain Test Security Form. The PTC for your district will provide this for you. Test administrators must be educationally certified employees or retirees of the district.

Procedures Prior to Test Administration: Preparing Test Materials All materials are secure and should be in locked storage when not in use. Materials should be signed in and out from the Performance Tasks Contact (PTC). This includes manipulatives for student use. Affix student labels to verbal and nonverbal test booklets, even if the student did not take the test. Edit labels and make necessary changes in black ink.

NOTIFY PARENTS OF PERFORMANCE TASKS TESTING PROCEDURES PRIOR TO TEST ADMINISTRATION: NOTIFY PARENTS OF PERFORMANCE TASKS TESTING PTCs should notify parents about testing schedule. Notify parents of any special conditions that will apply to testing their children. Encourage parents not to schedule appointments during testing hours. Sample letter informing parents about testing in DAP, p. 19 TESTING WAIVER If parents refuse testing for their child, please refer them to the Performance Tasks Contact for your district. The PTC should provide you with a signed waiver form to staple to the front covers of the student’s test booklets before they are returned to C2. NOTE: Parental permission is not required for student participation in this statewide testing program.

PROCEDURES PRIOR TO TEST ADMINISTRATION: Administration Materials Download PowerPoint presentations from the C2 website, including the PowerPoint presentation for training Test Administrators. These are password protected and the password is: the name of the program used to manage your student data (all capitals) followed by the grade levels in which the PTA is given. PowerPoint presentations may be downloaded directly to the Test Administrators’ computers or a district may choose to burn them onto CDs. If CDs are burned, districts are to use the security checklist provided in the DAP (p. 21) for distribution and return from test administrators. Specific directions are provided in the TAMs (p.6) and the DAP (p.6). If presentations are downloaded to computers, these must be erased after testing is completed because they are secure materials.

Preparing Test Materials: VERY IMPORTANT PROCEDURES PRIOR TO TEST ADMINISTRATION: Preparing Test Materials: VERY IMPORTANT If a student changes schools, make sure the name of the new school is changed on the student label. Changes should be made in black ink. Make sure both student test booklets’ numbers are added to the security checklist for the new school. On the original school’s checklist, write the name of the new school by the security number. Please assign each student a verbal and a nonverbal booklet with identical security numbers!!! Read the TAM and its appendices carefully and completely. Pay close attention to South Carolina Test Security Legislation, Appendix A of TAM.


PROCEDURES PRIOR TO TEST ADMINISTRATION: Before giving the test, administrators should… Read Directions for Administration on pages 6-7 in TAM. Check page 7 in TAM for materials needed. Test administrators should practice pre-teaching several times!! This is critical. Students achieve the best results when the pre-teaching is performed as instructed in the Test Administration Manual. Verbal is given on one day and nonverbal is given on another day. Students should be tested in groups of 20 or less.

No Pre-coded Label for a Student?? PROCEDURES PRIOR TO TEST ADMINISTRATION: No Pre-coded Label for a Student?? Make sure the student qualifies to be tested. Write the student’s name and grade level on the front covers of the test booklets. After testing is completed, staple a copy of the profile sheet, which is generated by the GIFT Program, on the front covers of the student’s test booklets. There are no hand code labels provided.

PROCEDURES DURING TEST ADMINISTRATION Read “initial Instructions” to the students (p.8 in TAM) on the verbal day and again on the nonverbal day. Conduct pre-teaching answering all student questions. Read the item and/or directions as instructed in the TAM. Set the time. Once students have begun work on the item, do not answer questions! Please Note: as stated in the TAM, scrap paper may be used for any item, not just for those requiring its use.

MAKE-UP TESTING!! If a student does not take the test… Circle the reason the student wasn’t tested on the student label. Acceptable reasons are “Moved”, “Already GT”, or “Student Refused to Take Test.” Make-ups for the PTA are required. Testing window is February 20 – March 8, with return of materials on March 9 except for materials needed for make-up testing. Districts have the next week to complete make-up testing (March 12 – 15). Make-up testing materials must be returned to C2 by March 16.

PROCEDURES AFTER TEST ADMINISTRATION For Test Administrators Arrange test booklets by school, by domain, and in order by security number. Complete a Header Sheet for verbal and a Header Sheet for nonverbal (Appendix D of TAM). All information on Header Sheet must be completed. 4. Do not use abbreviations for schools on the Header Sheets. 5. Package materials for return to PTC: Scorable, Non-Scorable. 6. Complete the comment sheet (Appendix C of TAM) and return it to PTC. DO NOT USE THE PTC COMMENT SHEET. Remember to sign manipulatives back in to PTC with a count of complete and incomplete sets.

Things to Emphasize to Test Administrators: We cannot change the pre-teaching or the items on the test. The PTAis designed to identify GT students. Do not expect qualifying performance from all tested students. Make note of changes on security checklists if a student moves from one school to another. Complete all information on Header Sheets. Remember, no abbreviations for schools. If you do not have a pre-coded label for a student, write the student’s name and grade level on the front cover of the test booklet. After testing is completed, staple a copy of the student profile sheet to the front covers of the student’s test booklets. Test administrators must practice the pre-teaching component. Test administrators should manage the pre-teaching time; for example, the test administrator determines when enough productive student questioning and responses have taken place to explain the item. This will create effective and efficient time spent on pre-teaching.

IMPORTANT DATES TAMs shipped by January 19 Test booklets shipped by February 12 Testing Window February 20 – March 8 Materials return March 9 Make-up Testing March 12 – 15 Return of Make-Ups March 16 District Reports by May 7